[主題] Emma的新玩具:Peek-a-Prize Toy Box
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威望: 1
文章: 208
註冊時間: 2015-04-16
最近來訪: 2024-07-25

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上一次给Emma买的新玩具,因为声音太响,让Emma很害怕,所以,这次的玩具是不会发出声音的Peek-a-Prize Toy Box。我录下了Emma第一次见到这个玩具的情景。这次她没有害怕,而且Emma真的非常聪明,第一次玩就成功的将小球弄了出来!影片的后半段也记录了Emma之后的几次游玩,她真的不再害怕并喜欢上了这个玩具,这一次,大笨猫我总算给Emma买到了一个让她满意的玩具。


Heavy Duty Wooden Box With Hidden Toy Treasures

The Peek-a-Prize will allow your cat to execute their predatory skills. When they achieve their goal of a capture it builds their self-esteem and confidence. They will attack toys and grab hold of them with their paws and claws, making them feel so proud! This type of play helps shape your furry friends individual personality. When pet parents are away, cats need toys for solo play!

Features and Benefits

Encourages cats’ natural predatory behaviors
Stimulates indoor-only cats to keep them mentally and
physically fit
For food-motivated cats, drop kitty treats into the toy box for cats to retrieve and eat
Works with virtually any appropriately sized cat toy or catnip
Durable wood Toy Box will last for years and looks great with any furnishings

Smart Tip:
Cats are smart. They deserve to have toys that challenge their amazing capabilities. Hunting is the cat’s favorite occupation (next to sleeping). Smart toys provide opportunities for your little tiger to stalk, pounce and ambush prey-like toys. Remember to rotate toys to keep them exciting. A stimulating environment and attention from you will keep your cat active and alert.

*Not recommended for small kittens.

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