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2006-02-10 03:14 AM
最愛: 奶滋 .桃子
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 641
註冊時間: 2005-05-25
最近來訪: 2007-12-02
靠~我前天才去買一包~雖然沒看到紫色乾乾~想到就覺得有問題了~ 我辦卡還不到半年ㄝ~真雖~
2006-02-10 06:52 AM
最愛: 10喵+笨笨 烏梅 雪糕
等級: 天使
文章: 1470
註冊時間: 2004-11-04
最近來訪: 2016-01-03
我想這陣子還是先暫時不會買好市多的飼料了 觀察一陣子再說吧~@@
2006-02-10 10:01 AM
最愛: 一堆喵
等級: 法老
文章: 32830
註冊時間: 2004-11-19
最近來訪: 2012-05-18
下面引用由pudding在 2006/02/10 03:05am 發表的內容: 我今天也打去問了, 可是得到的答案是有問題的那一批飼料在當地就擋下來了, 沒有進來台灣? 所以好市多給我的答案是只要是在台灣的貨都沒有問題..... ...
[hide]這也有可能是他們緊急開會後所決定做的應變方式 我個人是覺得不放心的就拿去退貨 就我個人是覺得好市多事注重品質的,但是前陣子也有傳出人的食物有問題 而且好市多態度並不好,所以整體感覺上還有待觀察[/hide]
2006-02-10 11:51 AM
等級: 俠客
文章: 44
註冊時間: 2005-08-30
最近來訪: 2015-05-06
[這篇文章最後由atimwu在 2006/02/10 12:52pm 編輯] 是這個嗎?? 我是前兩天別人代買的 保存期限2007年的11月的樣子 我該怎麼辦?
2006-02-10 12:17 PM
最愛: 北點綠妹&福天使
等級: 法師
威望: 23
文章: 3136
註冊時間: 2002-12-30
最近來訪: 2020-04-08
2006-02-10 12:55 PM
最愛: 天使:不住
等級: 天使
文章: 1439
註冊時間: 2003-10-08
最近來訪: 2009-06-23
確定是ks牌阿?? 2007版的通通沒買到過......都跟朋友買2006年他家的存貨... 後來因為換地方住之後就直接上寶蘿買其他乾乾給浪狗浪貓吃.............. 換地方就懶得把飼料搬來搬去(我愛叫寵物店外送飼料^^;;或郵寄...) 黃麴毒素是"穀類"發霉後產毒素(尤其玉米和花生最容易保存失當或保存過久產生) 毒素"極難"排出體外..... 而且毒素會造成身體器官的病變....... 人和寵物都是一樣.... 我覺得我以前的觀念一直都很好用 當初老聽網路上人家說這牌子好過一陣子那牌子出問題啥米的....或吃某牌也容易結石之類的 後來我就幾個月換一個牌子吃吃(這個牌子叫貨喀完就再換個牌子喀) 無論裡面的貓或外面浪貓浪狗 秉持著乾乾不要一直固定比較好..(不過浪貓我之前愛用ks牌,可以亂亂灑又吃不完丟掉比較不心痛) 這樣分攤風險...... 所以我也蠻建議乾乾幾個月換一種........都挑3-4款心中理想品牌輪替使用 至少我家貓這樣子吃身體都一直強壯不容易生病!!
2006-02-10 01:55 PM
最愛: 布丁.芋圓
等級: 精靈
文章: 235
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2012-01-31
LBHIDDEN[0]LBHIDDEN[這篇文章最後由pudding在 2006/02/10 03:08pm 編輯] 好消息~ 有請代買ks好市多飼料的 可以打好市多客服的電話 只要提供當初購買的yahoo網拍資料只要屬實就可以將飼料寄回好市多內湖總店 全額退費, 運費好市多會付 這是我剛才打電話去客服問到的 而好市多告訴我飼料的部份己拿去化驗了 結果還未明...... 所以有請代買的就快打去問一下吧 好市多客服的電話:02-87921471
2006-02-10 02:29 PM
最愛: 超強鼻屎王子皮皮喵
等級: 天尊
威望: 3
文章: 96665
註冊時間: 2002-12-28
最近來訪: 2013-01-27
[這篇文章最後由momobaby在 2006/02/10 03:33pm 編輯] 可是我買的那包是12月底買的...................||| 已經超過1個月了 有沒有任何批號可讓我們查證是否是出事的那批貨呢 如果只看保存日期的話 我的是到2007/4/11的........(默)
2006-02-10 04:12 PM
最愛: 咪爺.普普.龍比
等級: 天使
威望: 1
文章: 1486
註冊時間: 2003-03-30
最近來訪: 2016-01-10
我搜尋到一篇文章 在這邊找到的 http://www.oregonvma.org/news/diamond.asp 我英文不太好~~ 下半段有提到貓飼料 我大致看了一下 內容應該是說沒有污染到... 有沒有英文好的人可以看一下意思~ Diamond Pet Food Recall: Oregon Not Affected An outbreak of aflatoxin cases in dogs has been linked to contaminated pet food from Diamond Pet Foods. Aflatoxin is a toxic by-product of the growth of a fungus on corn and other crops. When ingested, it can cause severe and life-threatening disease. There have been canine fatalities as a result of this outbreak. Diamond Pet Foods has recalled all of the products from its facility in Gaston, S.C., that contain corn. Products shipped to Oregon are NOT on the recall list. States west of the Mississippi receive Diamond products manufactured in Meta, Missouri and Lathrop, California. The source of the aflatoxin is from a lot of corn grown under drought-stricken regions of the Southeastern U.S. The Gaston facility services the states of Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. Aflatoxin has been found in less than 1.5% of Diamond's recalled products following 2,700 dog food sample analyses done by independent laboratories specializing in aflatoxin testing. Specifically, Diamond is now focused on further testing of Diamond Premium Adult and Diamond Maintenance dog foods. According to information received from Dr. Jerry Heidel of the Oregon State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and Charlie Powell, Public Information Officer for the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine, there have been allegations of a connection between the aflatoxin contamination and recall occurring in the eastern United States and pet foods sold under the Kirkland brand name by Costco stores in the Pacific Northwest. Diamond manufactures pet foods for Kirkland and company officials readily conveyed that information when asked. According to a Costco official, the dog food formulations produced by Diamond for the Kirkland brand are lamb and rice formulations and do not contain corn. Some of the cat food products sold under the Kirkland brand do contain small amounts of corn, but were not manufactured in the South Carolina facility with the contaminated corn. Samples of Diamond foods manufactured in the western U.S. have tested negative for aflatoxin. The testing was done exclusively as a precaution by both Diamond and Costco on the ingredients as well as the finished rations. Based upon Costco’s sales and consumption rate estimates, most, if not all, of the cat food manufactured during the same time period in question has been consumed without any reported illness, death, or aflatoxin contamination. While issues in medicine should never be declared impossible, it is highly improbable that Kirkland brand cat foods sold in Washington or Oregon could be contaminated with aflatoxin related to the recall by Diamond.
2006-02-10 04:28 PM
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 424
註冊時間: 2004-02-01
最近來訪: 2016-06-30
[這篇文章最後由clareh在 2006/02/10 11:17pm 編輯] 美國人果真客服做得不錯 雞湯飼料的網站已經公開澄清雞湯不在召回的飼料中 且因雞湯系列不含corn(穀物)所以沒有黃麴素的問題 請參考雞湯網站 http://www.chickensoupforthepetloverssoul.com/ 另外,全美Diamond回收飼料資料&相關新聞在這 http://www.diamondpetrecall.net/ 其中不需回收(沒問題的)產品名單中 有Kirkland喔 (這個是不是就是costco賣的啊?我沒買過不知...) http://www.diamondpetrecall.net/faq.php?ID=11 回收名單(有教如何判別所購買的是否有問題,出問題的是該公司Gaston S.C. 廠) http://www.diamondpetrecall.net/faq.php?ID=5 補充: 推荐一下cats.about.com 網站 有很多不錯的資料可以參考 &在事件一發生沒多久就有討論囉 (但以雞湯的資料最清楚)
2006-02-10 04:58 PM
最愛: 咪爺.普普.龍比
等級: 天使
威望: 1
文章: 1486
註冊時間: 2003-03-30
最近來訪: 2016-01-10
真是多謝這位貓友 沒有錯 紫包飼料 的確不在召回名單! 實在太好了!
2006-02-10 05:07 PM
等級: 大法師
文章: 5398
註冊時間: 2004-09-04
最近來訪: 2015-11-04
恩 真是太好了 可以放心去買了^^
2006-02-10 08:10 PM
最愛: 妮妮&甜甜
等級: 聖騎士
文章: 143
註冊時間: 2002-12-27
最近來訪: 2007-11-23
真的太好了... 紫色包裝飼料如果沒問題就太好了... 自從看到這篇討論心中就毛毛的... 因為過年前就有一隻我餵兩年多的浪貓沒來吃乾乾了... 雖然之前就覺得他好像身體不太好... 看到這篇後就擔心是不是我害了他.... 雖然知道總會有這麼一天他不會再出現... 不過我還是希望他只是發情而趴趴走...
2006-02-10 09:28 PM
最愛: 都是寶貝們~
等級: 大法師
文章: 4973
註冊時間: 2003-09-25
最近來訪: 2015-09-30
clareh 感謝你的資料....
2006-02-10 11:14 PM
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 424
註冊時間: 2004-02-01
最近來訪: 2016-06-30
下面引用由nody在 2006/02/10 10:28pm 發表的內容: clareh 感謝你的資料....
不客氣囉 剛好有空就順便看一下 (考慮要換成Diamond做的雞湯ing, 所以...)