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2007-10-22 07:40 PM
最愛: Diorela & Da Vin»
等級: 精靈
文章: 245
註冊時間: 2007-05-03
最近來訪: 2010-06-05
Russell, let me tell you one thing about my Maine Coon boy - Da Vinci. For the last couple of weeks, he stopped eating raw beef suddenly. I came up with two possibilities (since the beef remained constant while there were only two variables). No.1: Diorela was in heat and he lost the appetite because of the 'distractoin'. No.2: He didn't like beef minced with a grinder. However, I immediately ruled out the second possibility because I didn't think he was that picky and because I know most other breeders practising a raw diet also grind their meat (and also because deep down my heart I wish to keep being lazy.) I tried to lure him to eat the beef by a few attempts including warming the beef a bit or even mixing it with his favourite canned food, but neither way was successful. Tonight, I resorted to handcutting the beef into bite-sized pieces again. And guess what?! He finished nearly the whole plate! Don't know why! So, my conclusion is: my Da Vinci is a spoilt brat, if there are no other more scientific reasons!
2007-10-23 11:22 PM
等級: 精靈王
文章: 386
註冊時間: 2006-07-24
最近來訪: 2010-07-20
下面引用由virginliu在 2007/10/22 07:40pm 發表的內容: Russell, let me tell you one thing about my Maine Coon boy - Da Vinci. For the last couple of weeks, he stopped eating raw beef suddenly. I came up with two possibilities (since the beef remained ...
........funny guy......really spoiled, no quesion about it.......!!! btw, my black and white "Swiss Cow" has arrived tonite..........and she looks absolutely marvelous and I just can't help playing with and teasing her for the whole night.................can't wait to see her in shows and of course her babies with Antonio next year...............
2007-10-24 08:01 PM
最愛: Diorela & Da Vin»
等級: 精靈
文章: 245
註冊時間: 2007-05-03
最近來訪: 2010-06-05
下面引用由russmania在 2007/10/23 11:22pm 發表的內容: ........funny guy......really spoiled, no quesion about it.......!!! btw, my black and white "Swiss Cow" has arrived tonite..........and she looks absolutely marvelous and I just can't he ...
Wow...I'd never heard that you had a plan to import a black and white girl and never seen the pic! I can absolutely understand the great feeling when a new kitten arrives. I can hardly fall asleep on the first few nights when there's a new arrival because, just like you, I can't help playing around with the new comer! (Also, knowing that the new comer is certainly uneasy or unfamiliar with the brand new surroundings in the first week, I strongly feel it's the responsibility of the new owner to stay close to it.) Attached is the pic of Da Vinci when he arrived at his new home on the second day - looking so silly and funny!
2007-10-24 08:16 PM
最愛: Diorela & Da Vin»
等級: 精靈
文章: 245
註冊時間: 2007-05-03
最近來訪: 2010-06-05
下面引用由russmania在 2007/10/23 11:22pm 發表的內容: btw, my black and white "Swiss Cow" has arrived tonite..........and she looks absolutely marvelous and I just can't help playing with and teasing her for the whole night.................can't wait to see her in shows and of course her babies with Antonio next year...............
Your new kitty reminds me of the arrival of my Somali. On the first three nights, we let Leonardo sleep with us in our bedroom for fear that he would feel lonely alone. But he refused to use the litter box. Feeling concerned, we tried different litter. But instead of using the litter box, at last, he urinated on our heads while we were sleeping on the third night! Joseph Wong, the breeder, couldn't help laughing when we told him the 'joke'. Gosh!
2007-10-24 10:33 PM
等級: 精靈王
文章: 386
註冊時間: 2006-07-24
最近來訪: 2010-07-20
talking about Joseph, I must say that his Blue Scorpion is defiinitely the real superstar in the championship this year........ I like this boy, and that's the reason I am taking him to the Malaysia show in late November "again"............
2007-10-24 11:38 PM
最愛: Diorela & Da Vin»
等級: 精靈
文章: 245
註冊時間: 2007-05-03
最近來訪: 2010-06-05
下面引用由russmania在 2007/10/24 10:33pm 發表的內容: talking about Joseph, I must say that his Blue Scorpion is defiinitely the real superstar in the championship this year........
Definitely! He has beautiful ruff and eye colour and his coat is heavy enough. Plus, he's so affectionate! But among the coat colours of Somali, I personally like ruddy the most because it's sheer classic. (My boy is a red one, though.) Hope Blue Scorpion will have another victory in Malaysia! (Surely he has all the potential to become a DW this season.)
2007-10-24 11:54 PM
等級: 精靈王
文章: 386
註冊時間: 2006-07-24
最近來訪: 2010-07-20
下面引用由virginliu在 2007/10/24 11:38pm 發表的內容: Definitely! He has beautiful ruff and eye colour and his coat is heavy enough. Plus, he's so affectionate! But among the coat colours of Somali, I personally like ruddy the most because it's she ...
the only bad thing about Scorpion is that he was either born too soon for the BEST KITTEN in Asia; likewise he was born a little too late for BEST CAT in Championship................. he has everything to make him the ultimate best............but his birthday didn't help things out..........lol
2007-10-25 06:25 PM
最愛: Diorela & Da Vin»
等級: 精靈
文章: 245
註冊時間: 2007-05-03
最近來訪: 2010-06-05
下面引用由russmania在 2007/10/24 11:54pm 發表的內容: the only bad thing about Scorpion is that he was either born too soon for the BEST KITTEN in Asia; likewise he was born a little too late for BEST CAT in Championship................. he has everyt ...
Yeah.....esp. the large number of grand points that he should have earned in the Sept show. Remember to take photos in the show in Malaysia and show them to me in the Dec show! J. Lee says he wants to make the show the one with the largest show count of Maine Coons. (What a shame that I don't have a great enough MC for the show!) I bet Forego, Diorela's brother, will be there too - a really impressive Maine Coon boy!
2007-10-31 12:42 PM
最愛: 席瑰&畢碧
等級: 騎士
文章: 77
註冊時間: 2006-01-31
最近來訪: 2013-09-06
最愛大大的緬因貓了∼∼∼ 水拉! 推推推推推!
2007-10-31 06:09 PM
最愛: Diorela & Da Vin»
等級: 精靈
文章: 245
註冊時間: 2007-05-03
最近來訪: 2010-06-05
下面引用由wumi45在 2007/10/31 11:42am 發表的內容: 最愛大大的緬因貓了∼∼∼ 水拉! 推推推推推!
嘻! 很可愛, 是囝囝吧!
2007-11-01 05:28 PM
最愛: 球 Julia Cannie
等級: 天神
威望: 1
文章: 12073
註冊時間: 2004-08-15
最近來訪: 2012-03-08
[這篇文章最後由shanju在 2007/11/01 04:29pm 編輯] 10/21帶Cannie去台南比賽, 這個小朋友一向很膽小,在初審後要抱他回籠子時, 他不敢面對現實的把頭躲在我的手臂中(鴕鳥心態),很可愛~~~ 雖然這次比賽成績不是太理想, 但是Cannie也累計到他第四條三色彩帶了,終於可以登錄CH了, 很替他開心 ^___^
2007-11-01 06:56 PM
最愛: Diorela & Da Vin»
等級: 精靈
文章: 245
註冊時間: 2007-05-03
最近來訪: 2010-06-05
下面引用由shanju在 2007/11/01 04:28pm 發表的內容: 10/21帶Cannie去台南比賽, 這個小朋友一向很膽小,在初審後要抱他回籠子時, 他不敢面對現實的把頭躲在我的手臂中(鴕鳥心態),很可愛~~~ 雖然這次比賽成績不是太理想, ...
嘻嘻, Shanju, Cannie很會撒嬌呢, 這小孩還真像個女孩子. 但那個能替你捕捉這一刻的攝影師真的應記一功! 好好珍藏啊! 另外, 再次congratulations啊!
2007-11-01 07:07 PM
最愛: 球 Julia Cannie
等級: 天神
威望: 1
文章: 12073
註冊時間: 2004-08-15
最近來訪: 2012-03-08
下面引用由virginliu在 2007/11/01 05:56pm 發表的內容: 嘻嘻, Shanju, Cannie很會撒嬌呢, 這小孩還真像個女孩子. 但那個能替你捕捉這一刻的攝影師真的應記一功! 好好珍藏啊! 另外, 再次congratulations啊!
謝謝!Cannie的個性真的像小女孩,但是偏偏體型和樣子卻不是這樣子, 這照片是我朋友小賢拍的,我給你他這次拍貓展照片的網址給你看, 都拍的很漂亮喔! 沙龍照 http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=wajoan&book=237 會場實況 http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=wajoan&book=238
2007-11-01 07:48 PM
最愛: Diorela & Da Vin»
等級: 精靈
文章: 245
註冊時間: 2007-05-03
最近來訪: 2010-06-05
下面引用由shanju在 2007/11/01 06:07pm 發表的內容: 謝謝!Cannie的個性真的像小女孩,但是偏偏體型和樣子卻不是這樣子, 這照片是我朋友小賢拍的,我給你他這次拍貓展照片的網址給你看, 都拍的很漂亮喔! 沙龍照 ...
拍的很美啊! 你們的波斯, 喜瑪拉雅, 異短等很有水準. 怪不得對緬因來說也是硬仗一場了. 現在Cannie已成冠軍貓, 下次的比賽便多些玩意了, 可在Longhair Champion組爭奪呢! (不過還得過波斯, 喜瑪拉雅, 異短等的那一關....) 這位日本評判來過香港多次. 很nice. 在剛剛那比賽, 她在賽後特地來我們的籠子與我們聊了一會. 她說我家的Da Vinci很"kawaii", 又說日本有很多緬因, 又問我們的Da Vinci的父母是誰等等...
2007-11-05 02:19 PM
等級: 騎士
文章: 66
註冊時間: 2007-03-06
最近來訪: 2008-05-27
七隻貓 開銷真是驚人 回來台中整理一下房子 順便教小貓怎麼在貓砂大小便和洗澡. 貓砂一次買十包還是沒看到什麼份量 乾糧買三大包二十幾公斤 才三天就.....也太會吃了吧 罐頭一天可以吃掉八罐外加大量乾糧 真的是....嚇 哈哈 才二個月竟然大到有一點扯 尾巴加頭已經有快50公分的身長了... 再加之前朋友買的罐頭和好幾包飼料 真的是好大一筆開銷 哈哈....