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Please don't let them return to the outside, let's help you to get someone to take care of them. I already have one cat and I was here for adopting one more cat, two is more than I could afford. Where are you and when are you leaving?
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Title: 即將離開台灣,兩隻小貓咪送養

之前po 都沒人回應.. 我在找人收養兩隻我們從外面救回來的小貓,因為他們已經很習慣彼此所以希望是兩隻一起領養。小貓咪很乖而且超可愛的,可惜我很快就要離開台灣了,如果找不到人接手,我只好忍痛把他們放回原處。
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