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In their natural setting, cats—whose unique biology makes them true carnivores--would not consume the high level of carbohydrates (grains, potatoes, peas, etc.) that are in the dry foods (and some canned foods) that we routinely feed them. You would never see a wild cat chasing down a herd of biscuits running across the plains of Africa or dehydrating her mouse and topping it off with corn meal souffle.
In the wild, your cat would be eating a high protein, high-moisture, meat/organ-based diet, with a moderate level of fat and with only approximately 1-2 percent of her diet consisting of carbohydrates. The average dry food contains 35-50 percent carbohydrate calories. Some of the cheaper dry foods contain even higher levels.


This is NOT the diet that Mother Nature intended for your cat to eat.

Many canned foods, on the other hand, contain approximately less than 10 percent carbohydrates.
Please note that not all canned foods are suitably low in carbohydrates. For instance, most of the Hill's Science Diet (over-the-counter) and the Hill's 'prescription diets' are very high in carbohydrates and are not foods that I would ever choose to feed.
而市面上的溼食,大部份都是含量少於10% 碳水化合物!但是請注意,不是所有的溼食罐頭都是低碳水化合物的!舉例來說,大部份的希爾斯一般乾糧或希爾斯的處方乾糧都是高碳水化合物的,而這並不合適餵食給貓咪!

Cats have a physiological decrease in the ability to utilize carbohydrates due to the lack of specific enzymatic pathways that are present in other mammals, and they lack a salivary enzyme called amylase.
Cats have no dietary need for carbohydrates and, more worrisome is the fact that a diet that is high in carbohydrates can be detrimental to their health.

With this in mind, carnivores are designed to eat meat/organs – not grains/vegetables - and they need to consume water with their food.

JoAnne的話: 為什麼高碳水化合物的飲食對貓伴侶不好?!

Canned food or dry food!? 溼食還是乾食? 作者:全美獸醫協會醫師 Arnold Plotnick 譯:貓天堂

Q: Is canned food good for cats? I was told it is bad, and that I should only feed my cats dry cat food. That is what I have been doing. A: We’re wading into controversial waters with questions like this. I’m sure that no matter what answer I give, people will strongly disagree.問題: 溼食對貓伴侶是一個好的選擇嗎?有人告訴我是不合適的飲食,我應該給我的貓伴侶乾食,這也是我一直以來的習慣!回答:我想這是一個所有貓爸貓媽們關心的一個議題,而不管我的答案是什麼,總會有提出反對意見的人!


Dry cat food is good for:
Cats prone to dental issues. Dry cat food, especially the prescription dental dry foods, creates some abrasive action on the teeth when it is crunched, and thus slows down the rate that tartar accumulates on the teeth.
Underweight cats. Dry food tends to have more calories than canned food, so dry food would be effective for cats to gain weight.
Canned cat food is good for:
Underweight or nutritionally challenged cats, who need to put on calories, because canned cat food smells more strongly and entices cats.
Conversely from the above, overweight cats. Canned cat food has fewer calories and is better for weight loss.
Cats with urinary issues also do much better when fed a canned diet. Cats with constipation issues also do better when fed a canned diet, as these diets contain more moisture.

Much has been written about dry cat food, carbohydrates and feline diabetes. Many people believe that cats on a mainly dry cat food diet are at increased risk of diabetes because of the high carbohydrate content found in many dry foods. The carbohydrate content of the dry foods is not responsible, per se, for the increasing incidence of diabetes in cats. Dry foods are much more likely lead to obesity in cats, and it is the obesity that predisposes cats to diabetes.

I feel that the quality, not the particular food, is most important. Feeding a little canned cat food in the morning and evening, and having some dry food out for the cat to snack on during the day is a reasonable approach; cats like to eat multiple small meals throughout the day, and people who work all day are understandably reluctant to leave canned food out all day for their cat.
我也認為質及量,不特定食品,是很重要的一個環節! 在早上及傍晚給予一些溼食,中間在給予一些乾食是一個很好的餵食方式!貓的飲食方式不同,牠們喜歡一天中少量多餐並食用不一樣的食物,而對於那些整天工作的飼主們,會很勉強的把溼食放一整天給他們的貓伴侶! (JoAnne 的話:溼食非常容易發酵,尤其是亞熱帶的氣候,請千千萬萬不要這樣做!)

Cats that become overweight or develop urinary issues should have their dry food reduced. Cats with a predisposition for dental issues should be fed a prescription dry diet, ideally. I personally am not a proponent of “raw” diets, but that’s another (controversial) issue entirely.
若您的貓伴侶是體重過胖者,或是有泌尿道系統疾病的患者,請將乾食減量減少!若您的貓伴侶是容易有牙齒口腔疾病的體質,請給予適當合宜的處方乾食! 我個人並不是生食的擁護者,但是生食的議題也是廣被人們所討論!

A very fame and friendly boy ginger kitty was found on the street. 6 months old, has been dewormed, defleaed and desexed. Negative on FIV/FIP, no chip and now up for adoption. Please email JoAnne at joannewu_62@yahoo.com.tw for more info.
涕仔是在街上把柚子爸隨手撈上來的!因為實在是太親人,那幾天又很涷的!來的時候可能是嚴重上呼吸道感染有發燒的現象,所以馬上就驅蟲,除蚤,檢了FIP 和FIV (都是陰性),但因為感冒嚴重所以留院醫治了!他大約六個月大,很親人,一摸就倒下呼嚕,所以就掃看有無晶片,答案當然是:沒有",所以就開放送養啦!上周鼻涕還流的很嚴重,中途的名字想來想去,還是叫他涕仔好了!https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.478945768813729.98632.161396407235335&type=3
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