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討論區首頁 » 文章發表人是 virginliu
I love the ruff ah........and the overall expression is so sharp....plus high white!!!  She seems to have all the strengths of an NFC!

How does it feel to be a father of so many kids?  
heehee...very cute baby ah.....and the marking on the head looks good...and lovely paws!
下面引用由russmania2007/11/15 11:57pm 發表的內容:
yep......it was really nothing compared to what I normally score at my cats' peak...............
but then you don't always perform at your peak.........so getting another CH title (Constantine) plu ...

Very undestandable.  A breeder /exhibitor shouldn't be complacent with what he/she has gained because the ambition to achieve loftier goals can motivate us to improve ourselves and push us to work harder!  
下面引用由russmania2007/11/14 10:33pm 發表的內容:

Da Vinci可以這樣定定的坐在椅子上與觀眾互動.  又充滿好奇(雖然從kitten至現在已是第三次比賽).  他真的是一個很有趣小孩!  

老公說下次要像russmania一樣訂美容區, 好讓他有更多空間走動!
下面引用由shanju2007/11/11 10:34pm 發表的內容:


下面引用由shanju2007/11/11 10:33pm 發表的內容:

唏, 機會多的是呢.  下次真的要預留時間到我的家和貓貓玩玩!
可惜風風太緊張了, 所以我想不會再帶他比賽了.  
十分謝謝!  我是帶著緊張的心情去比賽呢.  但幸好到下午的時候, 見到很多人和Da Vinci玩而他亦很享受與觀眾玩, 我才放輕鬆了.  為了不讓他屈在籠中, 我們很多時候都給他在籠外走走.  想不到他真的頗具大將之風, 面對著很多的人和照相機都亳無懼色.  比我這個媽媽還強!  香港人不太熟識緬因貓, 甚至不懂他們, 所以我也把握機會向他們介紹.  畢竟這是breeder的其中一個missions啊!
Hi Russell!  Your Rainbow is very very lovely ah!  It's a shame that I couldn't get close to her since it was so crowded yesterday.  

By the way, I wasn't aware that your NFCs have appeared in the latest issue of 寵物閑情 and that the interview article about my feline family has been put in the same issue with yours!  What a coincidence!  I was informed about that by the writer who works for the magazine yesterday.   That interview was done in June when they came to my place to take photos of Da Vinci and Diorela.  
除了Da Vinci外, 我家的家貓風風也摘了二條大彩帶, 分別是第一名和第二名!  他是第一次比賽, 十分緊張, 整天都躲在籠內.  如果他不是那麼緊張的話可能成績更好.  
這是Da Vinci與他的彩帶, 還有你喜歡的手手!
shanju, 謝謝你的關心.  可惜你沒時間沒到貓展參觀.  昨天很熱鬧!  可能是其中一個最多觀察的貓展!

Da Vinci的表現還不錯, 比我想像中好, 摘了五條大彩帶.  其中一些是長毛冠軍, 一些是全品種冠軍, 最好的一個是入了決賽的十大, 取得第9名!  但因為我的疏忽, 沒有問official count, 所以到目前還未計算到他的grand points.  要問問russmania才知!

下面引用由russmania2007/11/07 11:26pm 發表的內容:
so finding the RIGHT owner who you can visit (and have them visiting you) periodically is very important............I still meet Antonio's littermates from time to time............
it feels like th ...

Yep, will bear this in mind when relocating my future kitties.  

Next time when my friends say I am 'obsessed' with cats again, I'll cite your example and prove them wrong.   You are not called 'russMANIA' for nothing!

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