姓名/Name: 傑菲 Jeff 男 (m) 年齡/Age:三個月/3M 健康/Health Statues:已經除蚤及定期驅蟲,個性活潑愛玩。也已經驗過fiv 及fip 皆呈陰性反應,上周也已經打過第一針的五合一預防針囉!He is dewormed, defleaed and has gotten his 1st 5-in-1 shot. Jeff is also litter trained and is a very playful kitten. He purrs like crazy when people are around!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【貓天堂】是JoAnne個人對台灣流浪動物的救援及中途,開始成為貓咪的中繼家庭,幫助受傷貓咪,需人工餵奶的未滿月貓咪在完整的居家訓練後並尋得一個能愛牠們並當牠們是伴侶是朋友的家;我們也開始在住家附近實行結紮TNR(誘捕、結紮、原地放養),藉以減少流浪貓咪的數量。請尊重【貓天堂】的運作行事,【貓天堂】並不是收容所也不是私人收容動物中心,完全以在個人能力範圍內幫助急需救援的動物伴侶,【貓天堂】無義務收容被有家人棄養的動物伴侶或以無能力救援後想請【貓天堂】收容的動物。"以認養代替購買;以結紮代替捕殺!" The Cat Paradise blog follows the daily lives of our foster kittens. Occasionally we feature other kittens being fostered by our friends. The Cat Paradise is a nonprofit Foster Home for kittens or animals needed care immediately. We don't take in any abandoned PETS! 【如何幫助流浪動物】您可以就近選擇住家附近的收容中心做假日清潔義工,或在個人能力範圍許可內的捐贈物資,若您是捐款,可以選擇以立案之協會或基金會。如果您已經有一個很棒的寵物伴侶,請給牠愛和溫暖也請不離不棄哦!若您有意願有一個動物伴侶,請以認養來代替購買。 【How To Help】You can donate food or money to any animal pertection associations near by or be one of their volunteers! You can adopt a pet instead of buying one! 【如何幫助貓天堂裡需要幫助的中途貓】您可以在您能力範圍許可下捐贈貓食、貓沙等貓物品給這些等待家的中途貓們,我們會在每則領養公告上公佈捐贈者的名單,但是原諒我們無法給您捐贈的收據,謝謝大家! 【How To Help The Cat Paradise】You may donate cat food, litter or cat cans to help our foster kitties. We'll be puting you food-donations list on each of our adoption note. Sorry for we can't issue any of the recepts for you! THANKS for your kind heart!