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2006-07-29 08:02 AM
最愛: 喵咪球點
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 533
註冊時間: 2005-09-11
最近來訪: 2016-07-23
大家發起運動好ㄇ??我門一起去伸張正義好ㄇ?? 虐貓人家住哪ㄋ...
2006-07-29 09:03 AM
最愛: ㄖㄨㄚㄖㄨㄚ、非弟
等級: 精靈王
文章: 342
註冊時間: 2005-09-18
最近來訪: 2007-11-16
[這篇文章最後由哈哈喵在 2006/07/29 02:44pm 編輯]
下面引用由Phil-Phoenix在 2006/07/29 03:01am 發表的內容: 關於台灣無法對這一個王八做任何處置 我請我老公將新聞翻譯成英文 寄到美國與英國與世界國際組織去 如果台灣真得無法立法,那就將這一種家醜 ...
翻釋的非常好, 但是有一點點語法上的小瑕疵. 因為此事關乎貓貓們的將來, 所以我試著改了一些, 請Phil-Phoenix不要見怪! 也請各位英譯高手鼎力相助, 將此陳情信做到最好. I briefly translated this news for your information. This man called himself "Catkiller", he purposely posted an article on a website in China and pretended to be a China citizen. He is actually residing in Taiwan. He posted several horrible photos of a kitten which he abused. He enjoyed his cruel doing and announced to the readers that he will adopt more kittens for more fun. This poor kitten was tied tightly with rubber bands, his noise was filled with liquid detergent, and his ears were clipped by heavy duty clipper. This poor kitten was so scared and battened you can see that his rectal prolapsed. <== 原文是指脫肛的事嗎? The police did find this man but could not prosecute him instead he was fined only $60 American dollars ($2000 TWD). When the police came to his house, he was not there, but they could hear a lot of cats ¡§screaming¡¦ inside for help. However, Taiwan local law enforcement cannot do anything about this man's action. They do not have laws that prohibit people to cruelly abuse animals. Since Taiwan government does not take any serious action against animal abusement, and this man is still doing it, I pledge the mercy from your organization; please take any action that could wake up the government in Taiwan, and help us find a way to rescue the kitties in his house. Hopefully our effort together will make the Taiwan government start listening to our voice and to change the law so that animals can be properly protected in Taiwan. Thank you so much for listening! Philis, a concerned cat lover and an American Citizen. 也請主辦人附上自己及台灣政府的連絡方式.
2006-07-29 01:27 PM
最愛: 橘子
等級: 天使
文章: 1102
註冊時間: 2005-01-06
最近來訪: 2012-11-09
T.T......太感動了 謝謝各位這麼努力哪 一定要讓那個人渣受到社會輿論哪 也要讓台灣意識到自己國家對動物保護法有多麼的無知.....
2006-07-29 03:07 PM
等級: 精靈
文章: 156
註冊時間: 2006-01-18
最近來訪: 2008-05-07
終於找到了 謝謝警察先生吧 畢竟法律 對動物而言 真的 沒有任何保障 如果有!政府會那麼自私 會用撲殺來解決那些浪貓浪狗嗎?台灣政府永遠都是自私的~ 某週刊不是很厲害 愛蛙人家八卦 亂畫蛇添足 可以媲美徵信社 ~那他們那麼強 幹嘛不做些有意義的事情?那個人渣家裡不是還有貓 ?動保會不救那些貓嗎?就像家裡有人虐待兒童 社會福利不是會強迫把小孩帶走或是給于領養一樣的意思!~動物不是生命嗎? 要不是警察 現在那個方人渣 應該也依然逍遙法外 最好是公佈牠的硝像 大肆幫他宣傳一下 ~
2006-07-29 03:09 PM
等級: 俠客
文章: 13
註冊時間: 2006-07-29
最近來訪: 2006-07-29
2006-07-30 02:58 AM
最愛: 光明正大27+2隻上場!
等級: 精靈使
文章: 2261
註冊時間: 2005-09-02
最近來訪: 2010-12-08
謝謝各位的指導! 不過已經有一個組織回應了 3) International Fund for Animal Welfare http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?oid=17909 但是不能受理! 他們建議我們寄到這裡 4) World Animal Net – USA http://worldanimal.net/index.html 這裡我老公已經寄信去了! 現在就看其他三個組織如何回應囉! 不過我老公有請這一各組織可否將這一各訊息放在他們的網站 然後讓其他人知道台灣流浪動物的悲哀! 已經盡力,希望台灣的法律真得能修改! 還有希望這一各聲音能繼續下去 還是有動物需要我們的,請我們幫他們出聲 一起加油吧! Dear Ronnie: Thanks for your info. I will try and contact the organization you mentioned and hopefully that poor kitten and the rest of them will get rescued. Actually, i am finally able to find that photo that catkiller that posted on the website. One of Taiwan ET news was able to find that photo. Here is the link: http://www.ettoday.com/2006/07/01/545-1960865.htm Do you think you can at least post this photo and "news" to your website so other cat lovers in the nation will know about this? Before I noticed about this news, I thought Taiwan is one of the free countries not only to the people but to the animal, I am totally wrong. I think it is better we know beside other country like Korea that lack of animal, Taiwan is one of them. Thanks in advance for your help. Phil o@ifaw.org> wrote: Dear Phil, The story you relate is both disgusting and heartbreaking. IFAW is devoted to ending cruelty to animals and we very much appreciate being alerted to cases of animal suffering, and pass along this information to our campaign director. Regrettably, we are not working in Taiwan, nor are we able to mount a campaign for every deserving animal welfare issue, although we wish we could. We must focus our energies and our resources on the anti-cruelty campaigns available for you to see on our website. That is the way we feel we can do the most good for the animals. I suggest that you visit a web site called World Animal Net (http://worldanimal.net/) - it contains a directory of animal welfare organizations in most countries and every US State. You may find several groups working in Taiwan that may be able to help. Thank you for your concern for the animals. Ronnie O'Connor IFAW Supporter Relations
2006-07-30 03:45 AM
最愛: 13隻貓的娘~~巴比
等級: 光明使者
文章: 771
註冊時間: 2006-01-17
最近來訪: 2013-10-27
2006-07-30 08:04 PM
等級: 俠客
文章: 29
註冊時間: 2006-07-29
最近來訪: 2009-07-22
加油,一定要為小動物爭取權利,最近發生了不少的虐貓,狗案件, 我想如果結合愛狗人士可能成效會更高一些... 大家千萬不要放棄了........
2006-07-31 05:03 AM
等級: 光明使者
文章: 916
註冊時間: 2005-07-02
最近來訪: 2007-05-30
聽說前幾天動檢所所長嚴一封先生及內湖區動保員胡家寧先生已偕同警方登門訪查 雖然變態狂矢口否認,但依現場及變態狂雙手抓痕證據比對 變態狂不承認也不行,隨後依法罰50000元 變態狂在內湖科學園區上班,只罰50000對他真是不痛不養 大家要不要寫信建議所長增加罰款 並請公布變態狂的姓名、照片、身份資料 免得他又到處亂領喵 BY ninon http://www.tyacad.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=8661&start=12
2006-07-31 06:25 AM
最愛: 虎乖喜嘟熊吉利
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 544
註冊時間: 2005-10-22
最近來訪: 2012-06-30
一定要公佈他的姓名和照片 告訴那些有權的共務員否則我們绝不會罷休
2006-07-31 08:49 AM
最愛: 嘟嘟小天使
等級: 精靈王
文章: 383
註冊時間: 2006-06-28
最近來訪: 2013-11-03
下面引用由doris117在 2006/07/31 05:03am 發表的內容: 聽說前幾天動檢所所長嚴一封先生及內湖區動保員胡家寧先生已偕同警方登門訪查 雖然變態狂矢口否認,但依現場及變態狂雙手抓痕證據比對 變態狂不承認也不行,隨後依法罰50000元 變態狂在內湖科學園區上班,只? ...
我不相信這人渣會因此罷手 這次是因為他想炫燿 把虐貓過程貼出來才曝光 或許他也沒想到會造成如此大的效應 警方因此找上門還被罰款 不過我想罰款對他來說完全不痛不癢 根本不可能造成什麼嚇止作用 唯有公佈長相姓名 讓別人知道這惡行 他才有可能因為別人的異樣眼光而收手 我就不相信他敢讓同事朋友家人知道他的變態行為 除非他本人真是冷血動物 沒同事沒朋友沒家人 但至少保護其他喵喵啊 萬一他又去領養喵喵怎麼辦 很多喵喵都是大家花了心血金錢救起來或是辛辛苦苦奶大的 怎就讓人糟蹋?? 偏偏這種人一定很會裝 為了領養到小喵一定會不擇手段取得信任 想到這~~就一陣毛骨悚然啊~~ 所以一定要公佈啦~~~
2006-07-31 09:02 AM
最愛: NO.皮.奇.黑.黑.豆.
等級: 老法王
威望: 1
文章: 11346
註冊時間: 2005-08-12
最近來訪: 2022-07-05
我相信~這個人會有報應!等著看吧!虐貓者你的一舉一動上天都看著! 不是不報!時機未到!
2006-07-31 09:08 AM
等級: 天王
威望: 4
文章: 22971
註冊時間: 2003-01-07
最近來訪: 2007-12-06
下面引用由雲在 2006/07/31 06:25am 發表的內容: 一定要公佈他的姓名和照片 告訴那些有權的共務員否則我們绝不會罷休
那也要依法有據才行 法律上沒寫的 就不能不能亂要求 看看行政罰法裡面應該有吧 公佈姓名 只是看行政機關要不要適用就是
2006-07-31 10:44 AM
最愛: 嘟嘟小天使
等級: 精靈王
文章: 383
註冊時間: 2006-06-28
最近來訪: 2013-11-03
就算只有名字也好 這個世界是很小的 如果有姓名+公司在內湖園區+電腦業務員 請眾貓友跟在內湖上班的親朋好友打聽一下 我想一定很快知道上班地點 那就知道人啦~~~ 現在就是只知道姓方而已 沒法再縮小範圍了 雖然方姓不算大姓 不過真的難度很高說~~
2006-07-31 11:28 AM
最愛: 大白.小雞.橘.莓.花
等級: 天使
威望: 1
文章: 1403
註冊時間: 2003-11-17
最近來訪: 2008-06-12
張貼拍攝虐待動物的影像的應該和拍攝戀童照的變態一樣, 判重罪才是, 這些敗類精神已經不正常, 嚴重危害社會 前一陣子新加坡才把虐待動物的強制精神治療, 為什麼在這麼多 虐待動物事件, 繁殖場狗吃狗事件以及遊行過後, 還是一點改善 也沒有