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2004-06-26 03:13 PM
最愛: 幸福五隻貓
等級: 光明使者
文章: 739
註冊時間: 2004-02-13
最近來訪: 2015-07-28
2004-06-26 03:32 PM
最愛: 17喵+3天使貓
等級: 大天使
文章: 1921
註冊時間: 2004-01-30
最近來訪: 2011-11-30
唉~~~所以啦!!!這都是人的"貪唸" 唉~~~無奈ing....
2004-06-26 06:17 PM
最愛: 咪.茶.mo.麥.頭
等級: 法師
文章: 3535
註冊時間: 2003-01-27
最近來訪: 2016-02-02
2004-06-26 08:39 PM
最愛: 冰冰+Apple
等級: 天神
文章: 17463
註冊時間: 2003-10-15
最近來訪: 2010-07-22
2004-06-26 09:10 PM
等級: 精靈使
文章: 2408
註冊時間: 2004-02-27
最近來訪: 2013-09-16
2004-06-26 09:14 PM
最愛: 大肚子小 虎
等級: 修羅王
威望: 6
文章: 112702
註冊時間: 2002-12-31
最近來訪: 2010-02-22
很久以前曾經聽說過 為了使貓的價格變好 曾經有不肖商人 在幼貓耳朵剛站起來的時候 手術割斷貓的耳骨 讓貓變成折耳貓........ 只能說一切都是市場供需 只要有錢賺就好....>"<
2004-06-26 09:50 PM
最愛: 天使胖丁哆啦A夢萊茵
等級: 大天使
文章: 1970
註冊時間: 2004-01-11
最近來訪: 2011-02-14
2004-06-27 04:48 AM
最愛: 痞痞+呆呆+毛毛
等級: 精靈王
文章: 370
註冊時間: 2004-03-21
最近來訪: 2011-06-23
[這篇文章最後由貓中毒無救者在 2004/06/27 04:49am 編輯] 偶愛偶家的貓!!! 牠們都是立耳貓,耳朵超大的說.... 立耳貓看起來很有元氣呢!!!
2004-06-27 05:27 AM
等級: 老法王
文章: 11549
註冊時間: 2003-05-12
最近來訪: 2015-06-22
下面引用由sirius在 2004/06/26 00:39am 發表的內容: 我覺得他只是反映出人是多麼無知而且自私的動物----->這樣的現象而已......... 立耳的貓 動手術變折耳會不會比較受歡迎呢? 會有人提這種問題....表示他一定感受過什麼事情 他感受的"事情"才是真正 ...
雪納瑞出生後也要剪尾巴 好痛
2005-10-26 03:14 AM
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 418
註冊時間: 2005-06-27
最近來訪: 2006-09-29
2005-10-26 03:24 AM
最愛: Nefertiti & Achi»
等級: 法師
文章: 3239
註冊時間: 2005-09-10
最近來訪: 2015-06-09
有些斷尾的狗狗是因為尾巴太長 有時候狂搖的時候會打到肚子所以截尾 這是一種解釋 但是英國愛貓協會 Governing Council of Cat Fancy 是不承認所有折耳貓的品種喔 因為培育折耳貓除非真的超級小心 否則很容易出現嚴重畸形 同時造成折耳貓的基因也跟骨骼問題有關聯 所以為了貓咪的健康與人道法則他們不承認折耳品種 無毛貓因為是基因突變造成貓咪殘障,對貓咪健康也不好 所以他們也不承認 全文如下喔 可以拿去給你朋友看 The GCCF says Health Comes First The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy has always taken very seriously its responsibility to support only the breeding of healthy cats. Various developments occurred during the early 1990s which gave rise to considerable concern and resulted in various decisions being taken by the GCCF. Much earlier than this the Cat Fancy had already produced a list of defects in cats which were considered damaging to a cat's health and welfare; this defects list is a part of the GCCF Standard of Points for judges, and cats showing any of the defects listed should not be awarded Certificates. More recently, various breeds of cat have been developed which are considered by the GCCF to be unacceptable. In 1991, shortly after a series of television programmes had shown various breeds including the Munchkin, the GCCF stated that it would strongly discourage anyone from importing such a cat and that there was no intention of recognising this or any other new breed which was based on abnormal structure or development. In March 1995, the GCCF Veterinary Sub-committee and the Executive Committee supported a statement made by the British Small Animals Veterinary Association which stated that the BSAVA were concerned that the breeding of animals for extreme anatomical features could have serious health and welfare implications. The Executive Committee agreed that it would join with the BSAVA in strongly urging that the fashion for the extreme should not be allowed to give rise to health problems in cats. Ragdoll Cats: Many comments have been made about Ragdoll cats and so the decision to recognise them was not taken until very careful investigations had taken place. Reports were obtained from a leading veterinary college to confirm that the central nervous system of these cats is perfectly normal, that they are not in any way different from other cats and that they are no more or less likely to be floppy when relaxed than any other cat. It is also questionable whether they have the very high pain threshold that has been suggested. The Ragdoll was first introduced in the United States where the breed was speedily patented. The only way in which such a patent could be obtained was by the claim that the cat was unlike other cats; this claim has since been discredited both in the United States and the United Kingdom. Bengal Cats: This is a breed which was introduced into the United Kingdom in 1990. The breed originates from a cross between an Asian Leopard Cat and an ordinary domestic cat. In the early generations, the temperament is reserved but it would appear that Bengals produced in the later generations are of good temperament. Many Bengals have now been bred in this country and the breed was given official Preliminary recognition by the GCCF in June 1997. After careful consideration, it has been decided to make a policy statement that, with the exception of the outcross to the Asian Leopard Cat which had produced the Bengal, the GCCF would not recognise any other outcross to a non-domestic breed. The following breeds of cat are not recognised by the GCCF: Scottish Fold: There is no intention that this breed should be recognised because, if the breeding is not very carefully controlled, a lethal gene in the makeup of these cats causes severe skeletal abnormalities and large numbers of dead kittens. The gene which produces the folded ears can also cause an incidence of thickened limbs and tails. This gives rise to a short, inflexible tail and deformities of the limb extremities with a reduced ability to support the body weight. This is especially true when two fold-eared cats are bred together. Under these circumstances it has never been recognised and we strongly advise members of the public not to try and acquire cats of this breed as the GCCF do not wish to knowingly promote the existence of any breed which cannot be mated like to like without putting kittens at risk. Other Curled Ear Varieties: No recognition has been given to any other curled ear variety as it seems probable that such varieties suffer from similar defects to the Scottish Fold. Munchkin: There is no intention to recognise this breed. Sphynx: The GCCF have decided not to recognise this breed but do register it because outcrosses are made to Devon Rex cats. It is important that any rex-coated cats resulting from such matings are registered as Sphynx Variants as it is vital that these cats are not used in Devon Rex breeding. Sphynx cats are in effect cats suffering from baldness and here again the veterinary advice is that such a condition should not be encouraged. The cats have to have the sebaceous oils washed from their skin regularly because there is no hair to dissipate the oils and allow them to be removed naturally. Secondly, fur on cats helps to protect them from injury and cats without fur do suffer severely from scratches and playful bites which would not affect cats which have a proper coat. Thirdly, there is considerable concern about the situation where such a cat accidentally gets shut out of a house at night during cold weather as it is obviously ill-equipped to face such a situation in a British winter; they also need to be protected from strong sunlight because of the risk of sunburn and skin cancer. Although Sphynx cats may remain perfectly healthy in a specialist environment, the GCCF do not consider that they would prove viable in an average pet home. There is no intention to register any other hair deficient breed unless it poses a similar threat to any recognised breed
2005-10-26 04:21 AM
最愛: 妮妮大大隻
等級: 大法師
文章: 5783
註冊時間: 2005-09-06
最近來訪: 2010-09-12
太低劣的做法了吧 有些人的大腦 真的是閉鎖的噎 連這麼簡單的問題......天啊
2005-10-26 09:41 AM
最愛: 小米&小頑皮
等級: 大天使
文章: 1913
註冊時間: 2005-08-12
最近來訪: 2012-09-02
我好喜歡小米的耳朵~立耳的@@"~~~ 每次回到家就會摸摸牠的臉臉摸摸他的小耳朵~~~ ^^~只要是貓貓都好可愛的
2005-10-26 11:38 AM
最愛: YOYO&橘子
等級: 騎士
文章: 66
註冊時間: 2005-10-26
最近來訪: 2006-08-30
下面引用由EricSun在 2004/06/25 10:14pm 發表的內容: 唉~果然是一樣米養百樣人,怎麼會有這種想法呢??怪ㄍㄚ!!
= =你ㄉ照片切換怎用低阿@@
2005-10-26 11:52 AM
最愛: 皮皮.瑄瑄.坤坤
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 445
註冊時間: 2003-10-18
最近來訪: 2011-07-15
我想 這不是立耳還是折耳比較好看的問題 應該是因為折耳貓是代表有品種的... 這個追根究底就是因為有些人還是有品種障礙啦 (我稱對品種貓趨之若騖的人為患有品種障礙) 這個問題就是要努力宣導啦 宣導文: 品種貓因多半為近親交配 所以大部份都有基因缺陷 當中越純的品種貓 基因缺陷也越嚴重 基因缺陷可能導致先天不良 也有可能導致後天的容易生病 體質不強健 壽命短等等問題 更有很多是未出生或一出生就夭折了 而米克斯因為是混種的關係 所有的基因皆經過物競天擇的原理而留下 所以是很棒的基因組合 跟名種貓比較起來 米克斯的身體是比品種貓好很多的 當你真的愛上了你的貓 你不會去在意他是什麼貓 你只會希望他平安 健康 長壽 就算到了要走的那一天 也是無病無痛的離開 而不是滿身病痛的躺在你的眼前讓生命流逝 這些願望米克斯比品種貓更能帶給你 現在~~你還想養品種貓嗎???" 請大家多多宣導 請以認養代替購買 拒絕人為繁殖