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2009-06-19 10:18 AM
最愛: 代理貓奴&天使小摸
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 539
註冊時間: 2005-06-27
最近來訪: 2013-07-25
[這篇文章最後由吉兒在 2009/06/19 12:19pm 編輯]
謝謝奶芙蕾媽! 已經留言跟春花媽聯絡,春花的部落格網址也加入串聯文章貓友的故事了! 開開的腫瘤不小耶....擔心
2009-06-19 06:02 PM
等級: 新手
文章: 2
註冊時間: 2008-07-16
最近來訪: 2009-07-30
預防針紀錄回報 貓咪名:弟弟 生日:不可考 2005/10帶回家大約7個月 性別: 男生 品種:橘白色米克斯 結紮:有 化療:無 (目前算健康) 2005年當年領養已施打完 五合一疫苗(廠牌已無法得知)+狂犬病 反應:正常無過敏現象及腫塊反應 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 這幾年期間因無外出,都無施打疫苗過 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2009/05/16 先靈 貓五合一疫苗 反應:當時施打完幾天內都無任何過敏反應及無任何腫塊異狀 反應:半個月後,在6月初發現背部有大約10元大的腫塊, 經每日熱敷+按摩後,現在距離施打日已過了一個多月, 仍有1元大小的腫塊存在,按揉時會移動。 目前:還在觀察會不會消掉或變大,希望只是虛驚一場!
2009-06-21 11:50 PM
最愛: 豬 鴨 熊 羊
等級: 天使
文章: 1328
註冊時間: 2005-07-08
最近來訪: 2013-04-18
預防針紀錄 名字: duck duck 生日: 2005年6月 米克斯男生 已絕育 05年8月 第一劑先靈貓5合1疫苗 05年9月 第二劑5合1 (但不知道是不是先靈) 05年10月 第三劑5合1 及 狂犬病疫苗 05年10月中 在入境時被打了一劑狂犬病疫苗加強劑 估計是05年11-12月左右,在後頸打針的位置出現硬塊 像5-10元硬幣的size,後來就漸漸消失了 06年10月 貓3合1疫苗 直到現在都沒再出現硬塊,目前7kg,非常健康 我是實行3年1次的注射計劃,可是正在猶豫今年10月要不要帶他去打針 好怕他是屬於過敏體質 也曾經聽獸醫師說過,那種硬塊是不能揉的,愈揉它會愈長大 我也不知對不對...
2009-06-22 11:00 AM
最愛: 代理貓奴&天使小摸
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 539
註冊時間: 2005-06-27
最近來訪: 2013-07-25
預防針紀錄代PO 飼主: 小恭 貓咪名:咪咪 年齡: 約7歲 性別: 漂亮熟女 結紮:有 品種: 三花波斯米克斯 施打部位: 右後腿 幼年期的2劑預防針紀錄已不可考 滿歲之後只施打過兩次先靈貓5合1 和 一次狂犬病疫苗 大概2-3年前右後腿發現腫塊 2009 / 約4月底 5月初時 施行切片手術 後續追蹤: 切片結果為良性, 術後復原良好, 目前未發現異狀 會持續注意
2009-06-23 11:29 PM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
事實上 國外的獸醫臨床學及研究上有很多的實例是因為預防針的某一些佐劑中含有引發肉瘤 ( sarcomas ) 實證。 台灣也是有一些研究 在台灣現在使用的狂犬病疫苗是最常引起貓體肉瘤的一種預防疫苗,並不是疫苗本身的問題而是內含的佐劑的問題。 英文閱讀能力好的貓友可以看看下列的文章。 What cat owners should know Vaccine Induced Sarcomas in Cats69 As more and more cats develop severe vaccine reactions or worse vaccine induced sarcomas, owners and veterinarians begin to question and outweigh the pros and cons of vaccinating pets. While it is a known fact that cats need to be vaccinated in order to prevent potentially deadly diseases, studies are currently underway on establishing if vaccinations should be given more sparingly as new vaccination protocols are being considered. There are two vaccinations that have been associated with the VAS (vaccine associated sarcoma) in cats: the feline Leukemia vaccination and the Rabies vaccination. While the FELV vaccination is imperative in cats that are exposed to the outdoors and other cats, the Rabies vaccination is mandated by law in most States. In many scenarios, therefore, bypassing these vaccinations can be out of question. The culprit of such vaccine induced sarcomas seems to not be the vaccination itself but the aluminum adjuvant used in order to administer such vaccines. Such aluminum adjuvants are added to killed vaccines in order to stimulate a strong immune response, however it yet is to be determined if other types of adjuvants are to blame. What to Watch For: While the incidence of such sarcomas may be relatively uncommon (it is estimated that 1 out of 1000 vaccinated cats will develop VAS) it is a good practice to keep an eye at the injection site for the weeks following vaccination. Typically signs to watch for according to Petplace.com are: 1) A firm mass that increases in size after 1 month 2) A firm mass that is over 2 centimeters in diameter 3) A firm mass that does not go away witihin 3 months It is imperative to distinguish between a vaccine induced sarcoma and a granuloma. The formation of a granuloma can be pretty common in cats after being vaccinated. Typically a small swollen area that appears painless upon palpation may form and disappear within a few weeks. However, the small lump should be checked out if it does not disappear after three months. In some cases, however, the development of sarcoma may not be observed for months and even years. Fortunately, in some cases when caught at its earliest, metastasis (spread of the cancer) may have not occurred, therefore the sarcoma is treated locally via surgery and radiotherapy if necessary. However, there may be chances of relapses in the months or years to come. Because of the incidences of vaccine induced sarcomas, it has become veterinary protocol to give the Rabies vaccination in the right thigh and and Felv in the left thigh. The reason behind this is the fact that should a tumor appear, as a last resort the leg can be amputated to prevent the potentially malignant tumor to spread. It would be a wise choice for owners to periodically run their hands through the vaccine injection sites and palpate for possible abnormal lumps or swellings. In some cases, tumors may appear as ulcerated lumps and hairless spots. Owners should promptly report any abnormalities to their veterinarian and follow his/her advice for follow-ups.
2009-06-23 11:30 PM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
還有這一篇 Rabies Vaccine Induced Ischemic Dermatopathy (RVI-ID) BY KATHLEEN WHERLEY, ARCADIAN NORWICH TERRIERS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE AKC GAZETTE AUTHORS NOTE: This article is compiled from medical information on a dog I bred, which was treated and diagnosed by Dr. Catherine Outerbridge, a veterinary Dermatologist at UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. Much of this information was obtained from Norwich owner, Wendy Larson. There are evolving theories about the necessity and frequency of vaccinations for domestic dogs. State laws vary, but all require vaccinations against rabies. A little known and often misdiagnosed reaction to the rabies vaccine in Norwich Terriers is called "Rabies-Vaccine-Induced Ischemic Dermatopathy," or RVI-ID for short. Rabies vaccines contain killed virus particles and also an "adjuvant," a substance that enhances antibody production. Some Norwich (perhaps 1-5%) have a reaction to the adjuvant ingredient which triggers an auto-immune response. Possible symptoms are: sores or lesions in the ear, hyperpigmentation (darkening) of the ear, sores on the tail or feet, dark lumps on the skin, or a lump at the injection site. Symptoms may appear immediately after a rabies vaccination, or may take days or even months to develop noticeably. These symptoms are not lethal, but can cause discomfort and/or disfigurement for your dog. Affected dogs show varying severity of symptoms, depending on their immune system and the conditions of the vaccination. Most veterinarians are unfamiliar with RVI-ID and misdiagnose the problem. They often treat the symptoms with a steroid such as prednisone, and/or a cortisone ointment, which will alleviate the symptoms temporarily. Or they may prescribe antibiotics and anti-itch medications, which are ineffective. Some dogs resolve the symptoms on their own over time, but others will continue to worsen as the dog's immune system goes into overdrive, working against itself by attacking the vascular system. If your dog shows symptoms of RVI-ID after receiving a rabies vaccine, consult with your vet or a veterinary dermatology specialist about using a vaccine from a different laboratory for future vaccinations. Because the rabies vaccine is the most reacto-genic of the standard vaccinations given to dogs, it is advisable to space it out separately from other vaccinations. Leaving a two to three week interval between administering the rabies vaccine and other vaccinations (distemper) will lessen the chances of creating a reaction like RVI-ID. Administering an antihistamine medication such as Benedryl or diphenhydramine elixir will also dampen the reactive effect of the adjuvants without interfering with the immune response of the vaccine. RVI-ID has become much more common now that most veterinarians give the rabies vaccine subcutaneously above the shoulders. Ask your veterinarian to administer the vaccine intramuscularly in the rear haunch muscle rather than subcutaneously. If your dog does develop lesions in the ears or other symptoms of RVI-ID, Dr. Outerbridge recommends the following combined treatment: Pentoxyfylline, a pill that helps red blood cells to be more "flexible" and get through the capillaries and veins damaged by the autoimmune response, and Tacrolimus, an ointment that will help suppress the inflammation in the affected areas. It is not an option at this time to discontinue vaccinating your dog against rabies. If your dog is not current on the required rabies vaccination and is ever thought to be exposed to rabies, it will mean immediate quarantine and perhaps even euthanization of your dog. But if your dog has an adverse reaction to the rabies vaccine, seek help in developing a vaccination protocol for your dog.
2009-06-23 11:34 PM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
這一篇是在討論台灣現有的狂犬病疫苗引發肉瘤,打還是不打的文章。 There’s been a lot of talk lately about how vaccinations against childhood illnesses may be linked to autism. Now, someone has raised concerns that rabies vaccines may, in fact, not be safe for animals. I had an e-mail from a person whose cat underwent a surgical-type procedure and given a rabies shot. A few days later, the owner found a bump on the cat around the injection spot. The cat, Tigger, was taken back to the vet and the bump was removed, the owner wrote. Apparently, the family was later (I’m not sure if the lump was biopsied or what and I’m not sure of the definition of “later” in this case) told that Tigger had bone cancer. And I have to say that being the skeptic that I am, I wasn’t sure I bought into this so I did a little online research and came across a Web site for the Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force. This group represents a combined effort of the American Veterinary Medical Association, American Association of Feline Practitioners, the Veterinary Cancer Society and the American Animal Hospital Association. So I’m guessing that these guys are pretty savvy on the subject. Indeed, Tigger’s owner is correct in saying that veterinarians have established a link between feline vaccines and subsequent sarcoma (bone cancer) cases. You can check it out at the Web site. The obvious question here is what cat or any pet owner should do. Do you have your pet vaccinated against diseases, especially rabies, or not? Tigger’s owner writes that she’s not saying pets should not be vaccinated. What she’s concerned about is that vets aren’t making pet owners aware of the link between vaccines and cancer. She thinks it should be required of vets to notify pet owners about this. I’ll go along with that. If you notify parents that children could suffer a serious side effect from a vaccine then why not make pet owners aware of similar consequences? It only makes sense. But I do have to disagree with her statement that the rabies vaccination requirement is outdated because there have been no reports of rabies found in dogs in the U.S., that the only rabies found now are in wild animals and that the cancer-vaccine link is a threat only to indoor pets. In fact, four dogs tested positive for rabies in 2007 in our state, according to the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. I think I’ll take my chances with the vaccine. The possibility of my pets contracting rabies — an always-fatal disease that can be spread to humans — outweighs a risk of developing cancer because of the vaccine.
2009-06-23 11:43 PM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
以下是狂犬病疫苗會引發的病症(有臨床文件紀錄的) by Dr. Jean Dodds Behavior changes such as aggression and separation anxiety Obsessive behavior,self-mutilation, tail chewing Pica - eating wood, stones, earth, stool Destructive behavior, shredding bedding Seizures, epilepsy Fibrosarcomas at injection site Autoimmune diseases such as those affecting bone marrow and blood cells, joints, eyes, skin, kidney, liver, bowel, and central nervous system. Muscular weakness and or atrophy Chronic digestive problems
2009-06-24 01:10 AM
等級: 法王
威望: 40
文章: 6184
註冊時間: 2002-12-31
最近來訪: 2015-07-29
[這篇文章最後由changyuan在 2009/06/24 03:09pm 編輯] 以下連結是為了回應Shandie , 請自行參酌. 一方面也請諸君思考一下預防狂犬病對台灣防疫上的重要性. 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRWvGDPqaOw 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbjC-SY8a5s 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg5g0YHZ7Sw 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZj3C0MMQVA 我在學生時代的時候, 當時並沒有口蹄疫. 那時候國內的流行病專家就警告要防疫, 數年後就爆發了. 現在的流行病學專家又提出警告要防疫狂犬病, 做為飼主的人應該好好想一想自己應負的社會責任.
2009-06-24 04:54 AM
最愛: DIDI
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 487
註冊時間: 2009-05-01
最近來訪: 2024-01-19
今天如果狂犬病疫苗不會有引起惡性腫瘤的可能, 我想各飼主們都會為了愛貓好,主動帶他們去打疫苗的! 問題就是目前對於疫苗有相當的疑問,大家就會思考是否要 冒險帶寵物去打,一方面目前台灣尚不是狂犬病疫區, 基於種種考量,飼主才會做出必要的決定, 並不是飼主沒有社會道德觀念,我想您言重了!! 假使今天這疫苗換成是施打在人的身上的呢!? 您會冒著一定的風險帶著您的小孩去施打嗎? 我想這問題大家可以好好思考、討論。
2009-06-24 07:50 AM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
個人並沒有提及到不到施打狂犬疫苗或鼓勵飼主不要帶寵物伴侶去施打狂犬疫苗 事實上 我家的四個小孩每三年都有施打狂犬疫苗 我針對的是一個事實的陳述 而且是針對台灣所進之狂犬疫苗 很多國家的野生或原生種的動物非常之多,我居住在北美時,常常被提醒不要被松鼠,skunk或bat 咬到(請注意,很多歐美人士喜歡到戶外露營或活動,接觸到野生動物的機會也多),在大陸,人民的生活衛生習慣不如台灣,很多人的確還會吃一些珍奇異獸的,所以在處理牠們時,被咬到的可能性也很高。 不過在台灣,走私的一些野性動物也很多,台灣在狂犬防疫真的是做的很好很好,台灣是一個狂犬free zone,的確,我們都有責任來保護台灣。
2009-06-24 09:44 AM
最愛: 喵女王阿咪愛林維大力
等級: 天尊
威望: 2
文章: 51666
註冊時間: 2003-08-28
最近來訪: 2017-11-24
下面引用由PrinceSteven在 2009/06/24 05:54am 發表的內容: 今天如果狂犬病疫苗不會有引起惡性腫瘤的可能, 我想各飼主們都會為了愛貓好,主動帶他們去打疫苗的! 問題就是目前對於疫苗有相當的疑問,大家就會思考是否要 冒險帶寵物去打,一方面目前台灣尚不是狂犬病疫區, ...
其實 如果你有這樣的疑慮 那麼 你的小孩也不要帶去打預防針好了 我說的是實話
2009-06-24 09:45 AM
最愛: 代理貓奴&天使小摸
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 539
註冊時間: 2005-06-27
最近來訪: 2013-07-25
下面引用由Shandie在 2009/06/24 08:50am 發表的內容: 個人並沒有提及到不到施打狂犬疫苗或鼓勵飼主不要帶寵物伴侶去施打狂犬疫苗 事實上 我家的四個小孩每三年都有施打狂犬疫苗 我針對的是一個事實的陳述 ...
如果狂犬病的佐劑有可能是引發腫瘤的原因 不過針對最近開開的案例 開開卻只有施打過2次的五合一 並未施打過狂犬病 卻同樣出現腫瘤? 想問一下對疫苗比我們一般民眾比較了解的人 對於現國內的五合一 / 三合一 /狂犬病疫苗 他們的佐劑是同樣的成分嗎? 或是有部分相同成分呢? 台灣有因為三合一而出現腫瘤的例子嗎? 目前看到的好像都是五合一, 我自己的貓都有打過所以不確定...
2009-06-24 09:56 AM
最愛: 代理貓奴&天使小摸
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 539
註冊時間: 2005-06-27
最近來訪: 2013-07-25
下面引用由PrinceSteven在 2009/06/24 05:54am 發表的內容: 今天如果狂犬病疫苗不會有引起惡性腫瘤的可能, 我想各飼主們都會為了愛貓好,主動帶他們去打疫苗的! 問題就是目前對於疫苗有相當的疑問,大家就會思考是否要 冒險帶寵物去打,一方面目前台灣尚不是狂犬病疫區, ...
目前已知的案例 三歲 已結紮三花米克斯 未曾施打狂犬病疫苗 只有施打過兩次五合一疫苗...
2009-06-24 11:32 AM
等級: 法王
威望: 40
文章: 6184
註冊時間: 2002-12-31
最近來訪: 2015-07-29
回應文轉到 http://www.supervr.net/catbbs/topic.cgi?forum=34&topic=3696&show=0