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2005-10-23 02:51 AM
最愛: 點點.白精精.加菲!
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 608
註冊時間: 2005-07-03
最近來訪: 2013-09-11
基於安全的考量,認為在台灣沒辦法這樣做。 除非自己家是開牧場的,院子大到看不見盡頭, 不會有外車進來,不然的話,被機車或汽車撞發生意外的機會太高了。
2005-10-23 10:13 AM
最愛: 三隻貓
等級: 天使
文章: 1130
註冊時間: 2005-10-13
最近來訪: 2007-03-18
我贊成結紮,因為結紮也是為他們好~我覺得結紮不是什ㄇ人不人道的作法! 而是一種保護貓咪的一種最好的方法,我不認為讓貓貓生小貓<母貓會減少壽命>或讓別的貓生小小貓<一推流浪貓>是一種好的作法,那只是在殘害他們,製造更多的小小流浪貓而已~而且結紮對主人本身跟貓貓本身都非常好,貓貓身體比較不會有病變,對主人來說,貓貓也比較不會亂叫或亂噴尿和吵著要出去玩~結紮是最好的方式!!!!! 我非常非常不能接受我家的貓貓出去當自由貓~尤其是在台灣,實在太危險了! 萬一被車撞或得到傳染病或中毒或被其他野貓~.....等~光是想到以上狀況我就非常不能接受~<在家我每天都會清掃,而外面那ㄇ髒我更不可能讓他們出去> 如果要出去玩我必須跟在身邊注意他們的安全,要不然他們別想出門~ㄏㄏ 我覺得既然要養他們了,就必須為他們負責任,而不是採放任制度<除非你們覺得真的很安全>否則萬一怎ㄇ了~~該怎ㄇ辦????? 抱歉喔~文章有點長~
2005-10-25 04:06 PM
最愛: 小米&小頑皮
等級: 大天使
文章: 1913
註冊時間: 2005-08-12
最近來訪: 2012-09-02
我只能接受牠們在房間或客廳玩~ 但如果外出我不能答應~ 如果貓失蹤或被壞人抓了~~ 我想我會哭死吧
2005-10-25 11:13 PM
最愛: 期待...
等級: 精靈
文章: 243
註冊時間: 2005-04-15
最近來訪: 2009-03-16
我也是投"不能接受"ㄝ~~~~~~ 因為我覺得外面ㄉ環境太髒了~~ 貓咪又有舔毛的習慣~~萬一下吃下那些髒髒的細菌怎辦? 而且我覺得沒有結紮的貓~~放他隨便自由到外面去~~ 如果是公貓~~會害流浪的母貓懷孕~~流浪就夠慘了~還要他背ㄍ肚子~萬一生下來~小孩怎辦? 如果是母貓~~就可能莫名其妙懷了浪貓的種~~連爸爸是誰都不知道>"< 然後~如果有一天貓貓不回家了呢? 你能對天保證~他一定會每天回家ㄇ? 我想你也不願意~將來有一天換你在協尋你的貓咪吧? 或者你願意承擔你家的貓變成流浪貓呢? 如果你真ㄉ很想讓貓貓到外面走走~我比較建議用牽的或抱的~讓他到外面看看就好~ 畢竟貓咪不是狗~~貓咪沒有方向感~~如果他自己走太遠~~很容易迷失方向的^^ 以上是我的意見~~大家參考參考唷@@"
2005-10-26 07:17 PM
最愛: kiki
等級: 精靈
文章: 241
註冊時間: 2004-10-09
最近來訪: 2008-11-22
我完全不能接受... 因為昨晚kiki就因為同學大門沒關好 跑出去了.... 我晚上找到一點 今早六點爬起來找 剛剛又去找....都沒有看到他 心都快碎了..
2005-10-27 09:45 PM
最愛: 和樂融融的十喵大家庭
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 490
註冊時間: 2004-07-29
最近來訪: 2012-05-18
我投"不能接受" 因為我覺得外面太危險了 一般習慣在家裡的家貓 無法了解外面世界的恐怖 像我家哆比身材微胖 連在家要跳上跳台都要瞄準好久才跳上去 有時還會不上去 要是去外面被野狗追一定死路一條
2005-11-01 02:04 AM
最愛: 糖糖
等級: 騎士
文章: 74
註冊時間: 2005-08-07
最近來訪: 2009-05-12
我有很多外國朋友 為了我把貓咪都關在家裡跟我爭了很久 畢竟貓咪是貓科動物 就像豹那樣 聰明又靈敏 會觀察 也會思考 這個暑假跟兩個英國人住 有一天他問我 為什麼都不把糖糖放出去 我很驚訝的問她 為什麼 貓咪出去就回不來了阿 他說貓咪都很聰明 他們出去一定會記路 知道怎麼自己找東西 他們是比狗還要聰明的動物 更何況 貓咪本來就是屬於需要空間的 不應該只把他關在家裡 還說 國外看到電影上門下總是有個小扇們 動物可以自由進出 他說 那種是給貓咪的 不是狗的 貓咪要出去就出去 他們自己會回來 他很驚訝我們的觀念是把貓咪關起來 他說不管他到哪個國家旅遊 甚至跟我爭辯的也有很多國家的朋友 他們老是強調在他們國家的貓也是自由進出 不應該把貓關起來才對 最後 不了了之 直到有一天 我要回家幾天 請他們幫我照顧糖 等到回來之後他們說把糖糖跑放出去了 我說真的假的 我接著說 希望糖自己回的了家 我朋友說 糖已經自己回來了 當天晚上 在睡覺的時候 發現怎麼今晚特別安靜 我猜應該跑出去了 那時候我卻一點也不以為意 想說她一定會自己回來 果然 早上五六點 就聽到他在門外喵喵叫 我只好起來幫開們 我們住的是老式的房子 有點像眷村 門是用推的那種 雖說不太敢保證 但是要是家裡的貓咪真的不見的話 回家的希望還是很大的 畢竟他們是聰明的 只要不是被抱走 = =.......(後來我有跟他們說拉 因為貓咪都很貴 大家會偷抱) 所以囉 大家一定要對自己的貓有信心阿!!! 但總之我被那些外國朋友批 我很殘忍.....
2005-11-01 04:24 AM
最愛: Nefertiti & Achi»
等級: 法師
文章: 3239
註冊時間: 2005-09-10
最近來訪: 2015-06-09
[這篇文章最後由YunaYunalesc在 2005/11/01 05:25am 編輯] 我家的兩隻貓也是住在家裡不會出門 我也被批殘忍 不過我覺得我的決定是對的 I am often asked if it is cruel to keep a cat indoors. My answer is always the same: No. It is more cruel to find it flattened on the road by the time it is six months old. Of course it would be another matter to keep in a cat which has come and gone as it pleased for many years. However, with a young kitten it is very easy to keep it in and provide it with a litter tray. It then grows up to be used to that sort of life and is perfectly contented. A cat does not exercise in the way that a dog does. That is to say, it does not go for a walk. A cat will have its mad moment, wherever it is. It will rush around for a few minutes and then go to sleep. It appreciates a scratch post and will use one if it is provided. It also appreciates a warm bed beside a radiator. It does not need the entire neighbourhood for that amount of activity. Cats are actually rather lazy animals; they sleep for most of the day, and their instinct to hunt manifests itself at night, which is precisely the time when they should not be out. It is also a creature of habit, and if you train it from kittenhood, it will be perfectly happy. There is another angle to all this. No self-respecting dog owner would let his dog run around free all day, so why should cat owners allow it? A cat causes a lot of damage, especially to other people's gardens. It is a very efficient predator and its prey is frequently young nestlings. It is instinct, not hunger, that drives a cat to kill, but the end result is the same. In the country where people raise birds, a cat can cause complete havoc and consequently many much-loved pet has gone missing. The gamekeeper also has a job to do. It is rather anti-social behaviour which makes enemies for the cat, and we as cat lovers, should really try to save it from itself. The problems caused by cats are growing, and in some parts of the world very hard legislation is being enacted against our favourite animal. I have lived with and bred cats for over 25 years, and have never allowed any of them to run free. I do have some outside penning, so they do go outdoors but their liberty is limited. My cats are healthy, happy and affectionate despite having these restrictions. There are some very nice things that one can build in one's garden to allow a cat to get fresh air without being totally free. One acquaintance of mine created a whole maze of tunnels from one area of the garden to another with pens built in the different areas. The cats had the illusion of freedom, without the reality. Other people I have known simply fence their garden in and rig up an inwardly angled length of netting to stop the cats getting over. Some have run a strand of electric wire at the top of their fence; by giving a small shock when touched, this soon discourages your cat from getting out, and equally, the strange cat from getting in, and does not make your garden look like Fort Knox. I am sure there are other ingenious ideas which can be put in place without costing too much money. Cats have had a chequered career in history. There have been times when they were revered, but there have been other times when they were hunted down and killed - sometimes very cruelly. Not everybody likes cats, and may have a good reason - they could be gardeners or bird lovers. I do think that cat-lovers, like every other section of society, have to consider other people and have to ensure that their pet is not another person's plague. If you are responsible about your pet, it will not only live longer, but you will also be on better terms with your neighbours. Your veterinary bills will probably go down, too. Where do cats pick up tape worms and fleas? Very often from the animals they kill and eat, particularly rabbits. Where do they pick up all these diseases? From other cats! Why does your cat get an abscess on his head or another part of his anatomy? Probably because he has been fighting and a wound has become infected. The obvious one of, where did he get his broken leg, pelvis or whatever (assuming he did not get killed) is easy to answer. A car. All these dangers tend to be worse at night, when the cat is instinctively on the hunt. If he is caught in a car's headlights he is dazzled, and can easily run in the wrong direction. Be a responsible cat owner, and protect your much loved pet 這是Cat World 雜誌上一個育貓25年的寫的 還有 http://tw.f5.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/e10088400?u=%3al222439043 看看這玩意 大多在英國被偷的純種貓的下場!!
2005-11-01 11:33 AM
最愛: Polly.Jovi.Wish.»
等級: 光明使者
文章: 794
註冊時間: 2005-09-15
最近來訪: 2008-01-26
2005-11-01 05:10 PM
等級: 騎士
文章: 53
註冊時間: 2005-01-27
最近來訪: 2006-04-17
我家貓咪會自己開門出去 如果沒放鐵門紗窗們又沒鎖的話他會自己開紗窗們出去玩 可是有點很奇怪 他只有天黑才敢出去 白天縱使們開著他也只敢在門口望阿望的 可能他太膽小了
2005-11-02 01:38 AM
等級: 俠客
文章: 22
註冊時間: 2005-10-09
最近來訪: 2006-09-01
我家以前養了六隻自由貓 因為樓下是公園家住五樓 要上廁所的時候都會在門口叫 回來時會在門外叫 常常都這樣後來過一陣子後 慢慢的一隻接著一隻走不見了 有的還跑到我家後面的屋頂生孩子 也就沒有回來了 嗚......
2005-11-02 03:20 AM
最愛: NEKO
等級: 騎士
文章: 58
註冊時間: 2005-10-30
最近來訪: 2010-08-14
窩ㄆ能接受萬一貓咪傳染病菌怎麼辦! 要是貓咪受傷ㄉ話...就太可憐嚕...
2005-11-02 10:03 AM
最愛: Honey&Toffee
等級: 光明使者
文章: 774
註冊時間: 2005-08-29
最近來訪: 2023-03-15
偶爾帶她出門蹓一蹓阿! 如果他常跑出去玩,對我來說,傳染病倒還不是我第一想到的危險因素 而是外面真的很危險,怕被街頭霸貓欺負(雖然也有好貓) 怕被人打,怕被車撞、受傷...... 如果從小就在外面長大的喵,我不介意他出門玩,把家裡當旅館也沒有關係! 只要他開心就好! 但是如果從小就被養在家裡,不知道外面世界的險惡與危險~ 那我是絕對不可能讓他一隻貓出門的!!!!搞不好想回家還迷路!= =
2005-11-02 11:19 AM
最愛: 霹靂招財美金歐元
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 437
註冊時間: 2004-07-15
最近來訪: 2015-12-16
我家寶寶就是會自己開門跑出去.. 今天早上我還看到他在我家門口的地上磨蹭.. 不過他除了身上會染上跳蚤還有被野貓打以外.. 看寶寶過的還滿自在的....
2005-11-02 11:52 AM
等級: 聖騎士
文章: 85
註冊時間: 2005-08-21
最近來訪: 2007-09-25
小貓咪跟 小小孩是依樣的 如果完全不給她出去 爸媽不忍心 如果真要給他們出去 各位貓媽咪爸比請注意 貓咪出門去有三要 第一 預防注射很重要 (包括跳蚤 病菌預防 ) 第二 選擇場所環境很重要 (禽流感來勒 請多花一分心考慮地點) 第三 回家後清潔很重要 (梳毛 檢查有無跳蚤 等擦拭手腳掌 不一定要洗澡 但是要清潔) 真的有勇氣讓自己小孩出去玩的爸媽 很有勇氣 加油吧~(不過我還做不到)