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2003-03-13 10:03 AM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
板上一直有在討論到底要不要給愛貓們施打腹膜炎滴劑 我在網路上給大家找了幾篇國外的研究 請大家參考
2003-03-13 10:05 AM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
What is FIP? FIP (Feline infectious peritonitis), is a disease caused by a "coronavirus" infection; while many different strains of coronavirus are able to infect cats, most do not produce serious disease. The strains of coronavirus that produce FIP are distinguished by their ability to invade and to grow in certain white blood cells. Once infected, the cells transport the virus throughout the cat's body, causing an intense inflammatory reaction in the tissues where these virus-infected cells locate. It is this interaction between the cat's body's own immune system and the virus that is responsible for the disease. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fip貓咪腹膜炎是一種貓咪因為感染冠狀病毒而產生的疾病 但是大多時後冠狀病毒的感染病不會給貓咪帶來疾病的威脅
2003-03-13 10:10 AM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
How does a cat get FIP? Cats infected with the FIP virus shed the coronavirus in their saliva and in their feces. Most cats become infected by inhaling or ingesting the virus, either by direct contact with an infected cat, or by contact with virus-contaminated surfaces such as clothing, bedding, toys or food/water dishes. ---------------------------------------------------- 前已述及fip是因貓咪感染冠狀病毒 而感染的途徑則是吸入感染或是直接接觸感染源(如衣服,床單,玩具,或碗盤等)
2003-03-13 10:15 AM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
Symptoms The clinical signs can vary depending on the form of the disease present. The two forms can occur together, thus broadening the spectrum of signs seen. Typical signs include: Anorexia, weight loss Fever Depression Swollen abdomen Jaundice - yellow color Breathing difficulties Kidney, liver disorders Central nervous system disorders Eye disease ------------------------------------------- 貓咪感染fip後會展現的症狀有以下幾項 1.體重減輕 2.發燒 3.憂鬱(或食慾減退) 4.吞嚥困難 5.黃疸 6.呼吸困難 7.腎臟功能衰退 8.免疫系統疾病 9.眼睛疾病
2003-03-13 10:16 AM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
[這篇文章最後由winniesa在 2003/03/13 11:33am 編輯] Treatment There is no cure for FIP. Once symptoms of the disease are present, death is inevitable. Depending on the physical condition of the cat, supportive treatment may result in temporary relief of signs. Eventually the disease will progress and treatment will be unsuccessful. ------------------------------ FIP無藥可醫 目前並無有效的治療方法 一但感染的臨床症狀一出現 死亡的威脅會隨之而來
2003-03-13 10:18 AM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
[這篇文章最後由winniesa在 2003/03/13 11:37am 編輯] Prevention Due to the severe nature of the disease, prevention is the best option. Vaccination of kittens at 16 weeks of age, followed by a booster in 3-4 weeks is the key to prevention. Yearly boosters are recommended. In addition, keeping cats indoors in an uncrowded, sanitary environment will decrease the likelihood of exposure. ------------------------------------------------------ 預防是最好的選擇 但是重點在於施打疫苗的黃金時期 只有在出生後16週內 以及經過血液檢驗後確定感染的3到四周內施打 才有預防的效果 超過一歲後施打疫苗則完全無效
2003-03-13 10:30 AM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
Because there is no precise diagnostic test for FIP, no effective treatment, and no cure. How can I protect my cats from getting FIP? Keeping cats as healthy as possible, minimizing exposure to infectious agents, preventing overcrowding situations, keeping current on vaccinations, providing good nutrition and adequate sanitation are the most helpful things you can do to reduce the incidence of FIP groups of cats. --------------------------------------- 既然沒有有效的疫苗及治療方式 要預防貓咪感染fip 請盡量做到以下幾點: 1.盡可能保持貓咪的健康 2.減少貓咪跟已感染fip貓咪接觸的機會 3.給予貓咪充足的營養 4.保持貓咪居住環境的整潔
2003-03-13 10:30 AM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
[這篇文章最後由winniesa在 2003/03/13 11:35am 編輯] 檢附幾篇比較簡單的參考資料如下 http://www.hdw-inc.com/healthfip.htm http://home.stny.rr.com/carmon/FIP.htm http://www.winnfelinehealth.org/reports/FIP-update-pt2.html
2003-03-13 10:37 AM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
如果我有寫錯的話 還請大家指教
2003-03-13 10:39 AM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
附帶一提 農委會目前並未核准藥商進口fip疫苗 因此 目前國內所有的fip滴鼻疫苗 多為獸醫自行由國外帶回 除了效果堪慮之外 若因滴疫苗而產生糾紛 國人很難向國外藥廠請求賠償
2003-03-13 10:40 AM
最愛: 虎咪天使 & momo
等級: 聖騎士
文章: 120
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2006-06-23
2003-03-13 12:35 PM
最愛: =^.^=叮噹=Φ.Φ=
等級: 精靈王
文章: 388
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2008-01-14
真謝謝你給我們這樣的資訊~ 希望大家的貓貓都健健康康的∼
2003-03-13 12:55 PM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
ㄚ不客氣啦 只是看到了國外的報告剛好可以解惑 就順便po上來
2003-03-13 01:04 PM
最愛: 松本家3+1喵
等級: 修羅王
威望: 8
文章: 135210
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2013-02-18
不過我看到研究結論說 一歲之後施打疫苗是完全無預防效果有些震驚 因為以前我讓貓咪在古亭看時 醫生並沒有告訴我 而且他們也沒說滴劑目前沒有被核准進口 這讓我覺得有不好的感覺
2003-03-13 08:59 PM
等級: 法王
威望: 40
文章: 6184
註冊時間: 2002-12-31
最近來訪: 2015-07-29
下面引用由winniesa在 2003/03/13 11:37am 發表的內容: 如果我有寫錯的話 還請大家指教
那兒的話~~~翻得非常好呢 ! 要不要考慮去翻一些貓書來賺外快啊?