我請pilicat 去看看等一下。 打太慢 I called Pilicat and she will go there to check it out. If she got the kitten she will give you a ring! She'll try to do her best! I'll be having a meeting with my sponsors and visit a friend in the hospital. Give me a ring if you hear from Pilicat(Kelly).
JOANNE 和 PILICAT﹐ 謝謝~ 晚上留言的時後因為時間很匆忙(當時家人已經在催我快點要出發了) 所以無法太詳細的說明情形。 我是在坐我姑姑車經過何厝街時聽到貓咪的叫聲﹐聽起來很像 幼貓在叫找尋母貓的樣子。但礙於不是自己開車加上家裡人這陣子 對我關心流浪動物的行為感到反感(認為我重心都放在動物身上人都 不顧~)所以當時沒有請姑姑把車停下來查看。但回家換衣要出發參加 喜宴時就趁空檔留言希望有空在付近的貓友們能幫我看一下。若真有 抓到貓咪我會負責後續問題﹗ 不知PILICAT是否有發現什麼呢﹖希望只是單純的家貓在 跟人乞討食物而已(我男朋友試著這樣安慰我~~~)。 Thanks a lot!!! I thought you were in Taipei, that's why I didn't think of calling you before. However, I called 一斤bu1she was out of town too.......(you guys are the only people I know in Taichung, that I can contact, in this kind of situation). I didn't mean to bother you guys~Sorry and your help is much appreciated whether we got the cat or not!