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下面引用由russmania2007/10/13 03:17pm 發表的內容:
I am alaways very, very picky about Norwegian but funny enough I cannot really pick much on this boy...................

Yes, a very stunning and eye-catching boy indeed - very sharp overall and 'very NFC'.  I'm most impressed with his ear set, the lynx tips and the head shape.
Some breeders have warned me before that the standards of TICA somewhat deviate from those of CFA.  To cite an example, there is a subtle difference between the head shape as well as the muzzle of a standard TICA Maine Coon and that of a standard CFA MC.  Don't know if the same thing happens to NFC.  
很少機會, 除非手術做得不徹底.  有案例是公貓因結紮得不好在短期內(約一個月)仍有可能令母貓受孕, 但不普遍.  若已三個月的話理論上是沒可能的了.  不過某些已結紮的公貓成熟後情緒及行為仍會受母貓發情影響的.  我家的三歲大但已絕育超過二年的美國捲耳貓便是!
下面引用由russmania2007/10/10 11:07pm 發表的內容:
I reckon she has excellent separation between the tabby strips and ground colour............

The other day when I was browsing some websites, I came across a pair of Maine Coons which also have excellent marking which is comparable with that of American shorthair.   My dream patterns indeed!
下面引用由russmania2007/10/10 10:53am 發表的內容:
Rasmine下月就由丹麥來港了................now 16 week old...............

The patterns look good and she's got strong legs....gonna be a sturdy and big girl!
下面引用由russmania2007/10/09 00:02am 發表的內容:
long list of secret recipe of supplements............pm me and give me your email and I'll tell ya.............

Hello!  Sent to your gmail account luh.  Cheers!
下面引用由russmania2007/10/08 01:06am 發表的內容:
how's the prep for the coming shows?

Not much....I groomed Da Vinci last night, and think that I'll keep shampooing him once a week before the Nov show.  I know it's kinda difficult to grand him, given that there are so many outstanding longhaired cats here in Hong Kong plus his overall dark coat colour.  But anyway, I'll try my best to keep him in his best condition.

What'bout you?  Are you going to show your silver girl from Denmark?

By the way, I remember Jimmy Lee reminded me several times before the importance of keeping the coat condition of an MC.   Have you ever tried giving your NFC Omega 3 supplements?  Do they do any good?
[這篇文章最後由virginliu在 2007/10/08 00:08am 編輯]

下面引用由shanju2007/10/07 05:47pm 發表的內容:

Ono先生的貓舍在日本真的享譽盛名.  不過他們多數在TICA展, 較少在CFA展.  緬因的腳要粗壯的才能承受那麼大的身軀吧!  
下面引用由無敵暴暴喵2007/10/07 05:27am 發表的內容:

是呀!  總共有40個彩球.  我在吉之島百貨買的.  而且很便宜 - 才港幣99元.  閒時我愛行百貨公司的兒童部, 看看有什麼玩具及用具適合貓貓的.  因為有很多選擇及品質不錯,  所以經常有收穫.  
貓貓最愛在帳篷玩"躲貓貓".  但因為怕會發生真的打架事件, 玩具只可以在主人監督下才玩!
[這篇文章最後由virginliu在 2007/10/07 01:53am 編輯]

前陣子買了一套波波池玩具給貓咪玩.  他們真的玩得很瘋狂.  (其實此原是給人類小孩的玩意, 但用來給貓咪玩也頗不錯).
剛剛上了一日本貓舍的blog, 他家的成貓緬因真的很大頭......貓主還用了一香煙盒來作對比呢!  

今天替我家的緬因女磅磅, 才發覺原來她已不經不覺14.2磅了.  但因身型頗長, 完全都不覺胖.   以一頭歲半的貓女來說算大吧.

美觀又實用的設計啊!!!!!  真的很有心思.  可惜我不住在台灣......
下面引用由russmania2007/09/25 00:34am 發表的內容:
qualifications for the World Show
The World Show is only open for cats of FIFe members.
Participation in the World Show is only possible for cats which have achieved the following qualification in  ...

So, it means that only the best kittens/cats are entitled to entering the World Show.  The competition must be very keen!

Let's say if you get a kitten from a FIFe registered cattery and you show it in a FIFe show consistently enough, it may also be qualified for the World Show, right?
BTW, what does EX1 stand for?
下面引用由russmania2007/09/25 00:07am 發表的內容:
not at all..............just interested to visit...........you need to qualify for a FIFe World Show and consider there is "almost" no FIFe show in Asia...............no way to qualify... ...

Well, of course I can recognize the Birman and the NFC on the trophy page.  (And there are some other cat breeds on the trophy page too.)

Just now as I was trying to find out about how to quality for showing a cat there on the 2007 show webpage but the qualification criteria are virtually like Greek to me!  
How come you know so much about FIFe?  Is that because most beautiful NFCs are registered with FIFe?

BTW, <sigh>long time no updating my homepage lah......always want to do it but just too lazy....feel guilty about it 'coz I haven't put my boy's photos and info there yet.....pathetic!
下面引用由russmania2007/09/24 11:55pm 發表的內容:
FIFe World Show 2007

So, this is the show you're gonna enter your cats in?
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