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下面引用由russmania2007/09/24 11:52pm 發表的內容:
This is the result of the FIFe World Show 2004 in Austria
Category II (semi-longhair)
Look at all those World Winner Maine Coon...................

Thanks for the link!  It's interesting to see that the type of MCs in FIFE looks more feral than the widely recognized type in CFA.........Plus, each of the winning cats has its own trophy!  
下面引用由russmania2007/09/24 11:32pm 發表的內容:
funny enough tough............Antonio looks more like his mom typewise

Really?  It's the impression I got from the photos!
下面引用由russmania2007/09/22 12:04pm 發表的內容:
FIFe Internatioanl Champion is almost kinda like the beginning...............
Champion, Internaional Champion, Grand International Champion, European Champion.................
Also the prestigous o ...

IC.  Well, I do know that Ryusei won the BIS in the previous shows.......
Their owner has video-taped his glory and below is a video clip of one of the shows he took part in:


A FIFE show looks pretty different from a CFA one.   Quite interesting!

And of course I believe your new bloodlines will surely bring you loads of glorious moments too!
下面引用由russmania2007/09/21 00:31am 發表的內容:
compared to my NFC............Pepe, Antonio's father................

Hey, I find that Antonio bears a striking resemblance to Pepe while Angel looks a lot like Heavenly.   In your experience, do boys look more like their sire while girls resemble their dam?
下面引用由russmania2007/09/21 00:29am 發表的內容:
if you want to shake the world, you need something like Ice Dive...................

Ice Dive's another son from the same litter of Diorela - Ryusei.

Ryusei has recently earned the title'FIFE International Champion'.
下面引用由russmania2007/09/21 00:49am 發表的內容:
Blue Skky..........a blue tabby and white boy...................

Almost all the NFCs you've shown me have very full ruff.   Is this one distinctive feature of the breed?  Or is this the winter coat only?

Some American MC catteries also have bloodlines which have beautiful full ruff, but not many.  The other day, I discussed this with Jimmy Lee.  He said this is a luxury which we can't afford to have, given the hot (and humid!) weather in Asia.  So sad!
[這篇文章最後由virginliu在 2007/09/22 00:12am 編輯]

下面引用由russmania2007/09/21 00:30am 發表的內容:
if I were to do MCO, I'd love to have this guy in my breeding...................

Ice Dive - you're talking about my Diorela's father!  Of course he's a stunning MC, and that's why I obtained my girl from that breeder.  

Did you know Ice Dive was the 3rd Best of Breed internationally (CFA) in 2005-2006?   You can't find too many non-American MC catteries at that level.  (Some guys are still so naive to believe that purebred MCs come from the States only.  Gosh....)

He's indeed a nearly perfect silver w/w stud (the only flaw perhaps is that he has a bit tarnish on his cheeks, as said by the breeder).  BTW, his father happens to be the grandfather of the silver w/w boy which I showed you a couple of days ago.

下面引用由russmania2007/09/21 00:23am 發表的內容:
I guess you must know this guy too....................
GC, NW, BW Tuvets Martha's Pick of Abizaq, he has the kind of pefect balance of ground colour and tabby marks and white...............

Oh, for sure.  Yep, the marking looks symmetrical and the warm brown and the dark brown also look well-balanced.
I've tried to search for info about the catteries 'Tuvets' and 'Abizaq' before but in vain......    
Perhaps I should try again.
Actually, now, I can envisage the stud boy I'm looking for after browsing loads of pictures of MC cats.   I want one that has beautiful ruff (like the NW last season), brown/silver classic tabby with high white, full coat (don't remember if this is the right term) instead of tight coat, with good showmanship etc etc.........But the question is,  where can I get such a nearly perfect stud?  ........
下面引用由russmania2007/09/21 00:17am 發表的內容:
hey Virginia this is what I think a splendid example of a perfect silver bi-colours NFC..............
his name is Draeber, half brother of Rasmine from Denmark...............you can see the kind of ...

A very beautiful face, but a pity that the body marking cannot be seen.  
However, I can see that he resembles his grandfather a lot, at least from what I can see.
So, you want to remind me that the bloodline of the father's side is very influential to his descendents, right?
下面引用由russmania2007/09/20 01:06pm 發表的內容:
looking good............but whether or not he's the right boy for your girl I honestly don't know............
I tend to love to think the boy's father looks better, hey but standardwise, I am not a ...

Thanks for taking the time to check that out.

Don't worry.  I'm not planning to obtain this top show kitten because I've found out from my gal's pedigree that his bloodline is too close to hers.  They have the same grandpa on the father's side.  (This is also my major concern because the bloodlines of some prestigious catteries are actually pretty close!)

I was just trying to seek your opinions about his colour and pattern, i.e. whether the pattern is distinctive enough, if there are any flaws with the colour and so on.  This is because I also want to learn more about the use of silver in a breeding program.

I plan to obtain one very high-quality stud next summer, but not earlier than that.  On the one hand, I need some time to figure out my whole breeding program.  On the other hand, I need to communicate more with the catteries I admire.  All these are knotty......so I've tried to contact an ex-MC breeder in the States.  She is a famous MC expert and is known to be helpful.  But I haven't received her reply yet (after about 1 month already).   A net pal of mine has asked me to wait patiently for her reply.    

If you could give me more advice, that would certainly help a lot!

下面引用由russmania2007/09/20 10:58am 發表的內容:
hey you are a first class plonker..............reasoning with an idiot like you, mentally retarded to the extreme, is basically a pain in the ass............I must admit we have all made a huge mis ...

russmania, 我跟你說過了, 打那麼多英文字駡人是要迫被駡的人查字典的, 人家會不高興!  果然猜中了......
但, 我要說, 原來駡人的文字, 措詞也是有層次之別的.    
說真的, 你這兩篇發表真的看得令我笑彎了腰.....還有那兩個插圖....... 原來用得好是能夠帶來喜劇效果........  

下面引用由皮皮抱抱2007/09/20 03:02am 發表的內容:
你不留言 奶茼菮翵香糷F吧

你是膚淺到要用數字來衡量事情吧, 先有6公斤, 後有8公斤, 然後又有6篇留言.  
怎麼了, 6篇便6篇, 你發表多於人又如何?  你的發表中有多少是對此論壇有貢獻的,有意義的?  你給看這論壇的貓主帶來了什麼負面的訊息?

你是以"駡人為快樂"之本的吧.  你便繼續駡吧, 打多十篇, 一百篇便可成為"天神"級了, 然後你便覺得更有資格在論壇上駡"新手上路"級的人吧! 

不過, 我要告訴你, 我已請來了壇主收拾殘局, 你是駡不久矣.  

你下一步又會駡我的了, 省掉吧!  我是不會再看你的無聊頂透的發表了!   若我估錯了, 那真要向佛祖說句"謝謝"!
下面引用由shanju2007/09/20 01:00pm 發表的內容:

Shanju, 謝謝.  但我一直都沒在血統的問題上和那皮什麼的在辯, 一則這不是我要辯的地方, 二則根本沒有需要為我自己的血統辯.  是有人在沒啥可辯(連孝心這話題都已搬了出來但也得不到認同啊)時棋差一著扯開了話題而給別人辯回來吧!

你之前還勸說不要再理會這種人的了, 說是不值得的, 是你也到了忍無可忍的情況下才出聲吧!

真不明白, 台灣的"貓物語"不是每一期都在教育貓主養貓的知識嗎?  內容有淺白的, 有深入的, 不是很好的參考書嗎?  為何有些人總是在與人辯時連一點點基本知識也運用不到, 只是不斷地咆哮("咆哮"已是很文雅的詞語了, 用"吠"會給人說成是用字不雅吧)? 還扮高級地說是"筆戰"呢!  什麼裝備都沒有如何與人戰啊!

皮什麼的, 我是在和Shanju交流啊, 不容你插嘴!  你有興趣就另開一個新話題!
下面引用由russmania2007/09/19 10:36pm 發表的內容:
don't worry girl, I reckon your girl is indeed a very typey cat whereas the colour thing can be rectified by the correct pairing of a good quality silver boy..............so you should be looking f ...

Please check your private message box.
[這篇文章最後由virginliu在 2007/09/19 09:14pm 編輯]

CH Versus Diorela of Nekoland

下面引用由russmania2007/09/19 01:41am 發表的內容:
yep..........and silver is so unique that it almost needs cats of its own to sustain............and with the CFA you'd better show perfectly marked silver to win, or else any other less-than-perfec ...

Well, now that I've engaged in more CFA cat shows (6 shows already since Aug, 2006.......amazing!  Showing cats can be a form of addiction too!), I've learnt that both the colours and patterns/markings of a show cat are as critical as how well it fits the breed standards, or sometimes even outweigh it.   (Hey, this is what I learnt from my MC gal!  One really has to 'pay the price', literally, to learn the lesson.)

Yep, c'est la vie, but optimistically speaking, la vie est pleine de surprises.........

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