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討論區首頁 » 文章發表人是 virginliu
Not in CFA ah!  In Fife!  That's the terms used by the owner.  Well, I don't know much about the system of Fife.  I just heard it from the Dutch couple.
的確是的.  品種貓的性格和脾氣的確可以被generalized及較predictable, 例如一般認為緬因貓有較高的智慧, 折耳貓在幼貓時較活潑好動和頑皮, 美國捲耳貓即使到成長後仍然如幼貓般好玩及擁有像狗一般的性格等等, 這些都是真的(因本人都養有這些貓種).........但有經驗的貓主都發覺後天的培養對貓咪成長也很具影響力.  例如一頭自小已接觸人類及一頭曾遭忽視的貓會發展出很不同的性格.  貓主對貓兒的性格發展有著莫大的影響!
[這篇文章最後由virginliu在 2008/02/24 00:12am 編輯]

And here's my dearest Versus Diorela, taken just some days ago.........
Versus Ryusei - one of the most handsome Maine Coon cats I've seen.
Versus Ice Dive - the sire of our beloved Ryusei and Diorela.
I got an email from Versus Ryusei's owner.  He told me some very very good news.  Ryusei has become Best Maine Coon kitten, nationally & Best Maine Coon Adult, nationally.

Furthermore, at this moment he is at top of the list in the contest for All Breed Winner, season 2007/2008.  I heard that the contest is an extremely tough one because he has to compete against all the top show cats in Europe.  

Russell, I feel much better now.  Guess having to go to work is a pretty effective way to heal one's wound.....Anyway, thanks for your concern.  I'll beef myself up and get ready for the next plan.
[這篇文章最後由virginliu在 2008/02/18 00:08am 編輯]

Maine Coons bear some resemblance to Norwegian, don't they?
Rasmine looks a lot like his sire.

Attached is a recent photo of Versus Ryusei - another cat with beautiful winter coat in the cold weather in the Nethelands.
下面引用由russmania2008/02/07 02:49am 發表的內容:
and first of all you cannot have too many cats to take care for.............

Yep...that's right.  Otherwise it's impossible to keep every show cat at their prime condition.  24 hours a day is far from enough for a breeder.....
下面引用由russmania2008/02/03 11:40pm 發表的內容:
and one more point...........I treat Heavenly more or less like a Persian now and sometimes I have to put a napkin around her neck to prevent her from messing around her ruff...........and groom /  ...

Very understandable.  Messing up the stunning coat of a beautiful cat would be equal to a 'sin' to me as well!  But I do admire your perserverance.  Not many breeders have the heart to spend so much of their time on their cats.....I believe your effort will be paid off.  (Hee...actually, you're already paid off - that beautiful ruff!)
下面引用由russmania2008/02/03 11:37pm 發表的內容:
That's the combination of both..............
In fact, she used to be rather light (around 8 - 8.5 pounds) for a very long time.  Her breeder is not too renowned of producing very fluffy NFC, especi ...

Now that I've become a breeder myself, I understand what you said completely!  It's just not an easy task to be a professional breeder at all!  This job may be even more challenging than our full-time jobs.   This is what outsiders or backyard breeders will never comprehend.  

下面引用由russmania2008/02/01 01:21am 發表的內容:
Virginia my Constantine from C-litter, the 2-ring-grand boy in champsionship, is the son of Freya and Heavenly...........and he was 14 pounds at 8 months and now 15 at 10..........

Wow.....really a heavy boy!
How heavy is Freya now?  Is he about 3 years old?
By the way, does an NFC reach his/her maturity at around 3 years old?  
下面引用由russmania2008/01/31 07:33pm 發表的內容:
just took some new pictures of Heavenly & Rasmine.....................enjoy

Heavenly has very very beautiful winter coat!!!  <envious>

Do you have to 'deliberately' put a lot of effort in keeping the coat for her or she has inherited the good genes from her prestigious bloodlines?  It's often said that the warm and humid climate of Hong Kong fails to provide conditions conducive to coat development, but you appear to be very successful in keeping your cats in their prime condition!  "服"!!!

下面引用由russmania2008/01/25 05:44pm 發表的內容:
bye for now................

Thanks for the photos!
His 'type' is very different from the 'type' that you've got in these few years.  

Have you tried breeding him with your girl(s)?  What do their offspring look like?  Look like the sire or the dam?
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