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討論區首頁 » 文章發表人是 virginliu
下面引用由russmania2008/01/24 09:04pm 發表的內容:
Depends on how balanced the overall marking looks...........it doesn't really matter if the cat is high or low white, but I certainly wouldn't want an extremely low white cat with perhaps just a li ...

I see.  And his face's got quite a lot of white as well.

Oh, I haven't seen much of Freya before 'coz I wasn't into cat shows yet when you first exhibited him.  Do you mind showing one or two of his photos here?

But you seldom opt for a low-white.  Is it that his boning and profile outweigh his coat colour when you made your decision?
下面引用由russmania2008/01/10 06:37pm 發表的內容:
latest DJ pictures.............10 weeks now............

Can't imagine he's 10 weeks only......
下面引用由russmania2008/01/07 10:01pm 發表的內容:
yes I DO have a complete squad now............
GC, DW Sakurasaku Pepelintino of Russmania, red classic tabby & white
GC, DW Russmania Antonio Gaudi, red clasic tabby & white

Oh!  I wasn't aware that Rasmine is a blue....I thought she's a silver, as seen on the screen.  

Really a complete squad........Ok, you'll be my role model!  

Now that when I look back, I feel I've made a very very clever choice not to breed NFC!  

下面引用由russmania2008/01/07 12:30pm 發表的內容:
Calli and her littermates
I'm so glad I've got the priority to have the first pick for this litter.............after more than 2 years of approving this breeders' consortium.............

The first pick of the litter?!  Real good!!!!!!!!!    

Now, you've almost got a complete squad - a combination of a rainbow of colours!  (Don't remember whether you've got a blue line yet......)  And this Calli is a perfect successor to Heavenly, isn't she?
下面引用由russmania2008/01/07 12:21pm 發表的內容:
how?.........I call it magic, something you just cannot be too desperate for..............good things come to those who wait..................

If you think that's already awesome? - you haven't even seen the real shit yet.........the game has just started...........introducing (drum roll please!!!).........my "LAST" imported queen, this time from US, out from the combination of top CFA NW, BW and TICA IW, SGC lines...........

Haha....I can tell from your wordings that you are real.........(leave this to yourself.  Last time, you said you were a happy man.  What'bout this time?)
下面引用由russmania2008/01/04 12:49pm 發表的內容:
let him - silence is the best revenge - he wouldn't have much education, would he?
tanquility base here - the eagle has landed..................

放心, 我唔會同佢嗌交, 因為同d亂咁up發花dean O既人去理性咁講, 白痴果個就變左係我而唔係佢, 用粗口問候人又唔係我style, 所以同佢嗌我實蝕晒底.   慳番啖氣好過.  之不過係覺得d人 係個網度亂up唔洗負責好差啫......(你睇唔睇得明?)
下面引用由russmania2008/01/03 09:47pm 發表的內容:

你真係好惦!  成日都可以湊到d貓肥嘟嘟, 圓碌碌!
下面引用由russmania2008/01/04 02:10pm 發表的內容:
DJ and littermates...........

Haha.....almost like a couple of weeks older!  Amazing!
下面引用由russmania2008/01/04 02:05pm 發表的內容:
D.J. Bobo..............my new boy from Sweden
I am so thrilled that I have been at last able to reserve this boy DJ, instead of his brother Boffy from my Swedish breeder.............
pictures at 6  ...

Wow....heartfelt congratulations!!!!  
How did you convince the breeder to "surrender" DJ to you???
Really big...almost doubled the size of Boffy!  

BTW, I may also be able to obtain a queen from my dream bloodline, but it really has a lot to depend on my 'luck'........
下面引用由russmania2008/01/03 09:53pm 發表的內容:
very cool...................

By the way, did you notice somebody is 'barking' again?  A real lunatic.
下面引用由russmania2008/01/03 09:53pm 發表的內容:
very cool...................

Hihi, long time no see you here ah!
I saw Rasmine's recent photos in a cat forum in Hong Kong and found her a very very eye-catching gal.  Guess she's very sweet and adorable!  
下面引用由shanju2007/12/18 10:26pm 發表的內容:
哇~~恭喜啊!我也超替你開心的,Da Vinci幹的好,真是個乖小孩 ^__^

謝謝你Shanju, 我真的很希望Cannie也在不久的將來可以grand到呢!  大家都要努力!  我也不會鬆懈, 要把Da Vinci keep 得好好的, 不讓緬因迷失望呢!

圖中為總決賽的大彩帶, 是我最喜歡的紫色!
我在第二天的比賽開始前便把Da Vinci轉成超級冠軍貓的組別.  當然, 戰況激烈了, 因我們面對的不單是香港的超級冠軍貓, 更有來自世界各地的NW爭取者.  所以我對於入總決賽不抱大期望.  

但令我喜出望外的是在最後宣佈賽果的賽環, 我們的Da Vinci入了總決賽, 撃敗約一百四十多頭冠軍組別的貓取得第十四名全品種冠軍 (Allbreed Best 14th Cat).  我還以為自己在做夢呢!

圖為Mr Bob Zenda及Da Vinci.  我喜歡這照片因Da V看起來很有型.
其中一開心事是我們從CFA會長Ms Pam Delabar取得長毛冠軍彩帶.  Pam是一位很nice的女士, 對所有貓咪都很有耐性.  她知道我們grand了Da Vinci也很高興.  其實當我見到她在第一輪賽事時看到Da Vinci雙眼發亮便強烈感到她會給Da Vinci大彩帶.  果然我的預感沒錯!

圖為Ms Delabar及Da Vinci.

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